Friday, 27 March 2009
'The floor is made of lava!'
today i had the FUNNIEST bus journey ever, and thats where my blog comes from.
Joel, Jack, the two Si's, Tim and Tom decided to play 'THE FLOOR IS MADE OF LAVA.' a game that they literally made up that second. The game involves whoever wants to play CLAMBERING to the front of the bus, without touching the floor. Which meant that they all starting climbing over and SQUISHING everyone and stepping on bags and generally pissing everyone off, while jack and si aimed a rugby ball at their crotch.
This is how mature the old thornden lot are =/ the aim was to reach the front, touch the 'STOPPING' light, and come back. without MELTING IN THE HOT LAVA.
Cleary, backed up by EVERYONE: 'YOU HAVE NO TESTES!'
Ogden: sad face.
It was pretty funny, until the rugby ball managed to hit the 'STOP' button. and noone got off. which annoyed the driver. then everyone planned to get off the bus and run to the next bus stop. this annoyed the driver. then the driver actually stopped the bus, went up the stairs and confiscated si's ball. he looked VERY VER pissed. THAT was funny. Then everyone started writing 'Jack did it...' 'Jack lives at 41...Road' 'GIVE THE BALL BACK TO SI!' in the condensation in the windows.
thats how cool all those guys are. i got stepped on a few times, while i was innocently zen-ing it up, and chatting to will and hash and tom. but it made my day :) its bad that i encouraged it though, coz the new buses are SO SO sexy (babies, please?) and joel had muddy feet. so RUINED sexy seats :(
Gemma came to visit from Peveril today, which was AWESOME!
and i went to Haz's tonight too, which is nice because I never see her around college anymore, but I actually miss her. We have funny times! The House Bunny is SUCH a funny movie (pretty girly and pink though!) and Tyson from AAR was in it, so I died inside. I love him. I've seen him live. I LOVE HIM. hhaha.
anyways, going to town 2mz for shopping (DAY OFF WORK!) and cinema. should be funn!!
enjoy reading :)
Thursday, 26 March 2009
'I missed you so much, it made baby jesus cry'
ANYWAYS. Nicks sleepover wont be as bad as some of mine, where everyone ends up running around the house high on..SUGAR.
well, that hasnt happened since year 8-ish, but my parents hate me having more than 3 people over. which is lame.
and it turns out that they actually HATE some of my friends xD none of my blog readers though :)
text processing is OFFICIALLY OVER. exam was today, and it went ok!
i get awesome lie-ins on thursdays now :)
babysitting 2nite. last episode of STUPID CRAP SERIES 3 OF SKINS!
I need to bully Elena into updating her blog.
this weekend should be fun :) day off work! southamptooon and cinemaa :]
and easter soon, that shud be good :)
hope everyone is cool!
the whole fall-out thing from yesterday is KINDA sorted. i still cant fully trust him and im less patient with him atm. but it shud be ok :) i dont hold grudges much.
ooh, and you know those times when you find something SO SO SO funny, you go into that silent spasm of laughter thing, that lasts for about 5 mins? i had one of them 2day. and i 4got what i was laughing at. and then i was too embarrased to tell everyone what i was laughing at, because it was SO SO UN-FUNNY!
i reckon its the lucozade tablets i keep having. they keep me awake. TOOOO awake :)
happy reading! x
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
I'm shattered, and I've got a text processing exam 2mz...and im not sure what im supposed to do for it, but il blag it :)
today was a 'meh' day.
one of my close friends lost my trust. and considering i normally find it hard to trust people, that kinda a bummer.
my sisters back from uni 2day, and she wrote me this MASSIVE note that she stuck on the fridge about how i need to leave the house in the morning without WAKING EVERYONE UP! which was a bit of a rant.
alison wasnt in history 2day so we just listened to high school musical and queen and hannah montana through ed's laptop. that was fun :)
we watched this documentary is media called 'it shouldnt happen to a muslim' and someone referred to muslims as cockroaches, which really shocked me. I only know a few muslims personally. but i think its crap that a whole RELIGION is blamed for 7/7and 9/11.
gah. britain has issues.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Some people are being out of order.
And i don't even have christmas to look 4wrd to yet!
Two exams this week, but they are SAFE exams :] x
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Snog, Marry or CLIFF?
AND i spent my free (when I WOULD have had a lecture) in ashurst. Doing my english cw. Because I only just realised that its due in 2mz. Ooopss.
For some reason, my blog doesnt like COLOUR anymore.
And the only colours it DOES like are black and green.
LAME. ruins my plans for a RAINBOW BLOG!
Haha. Collier keeps calling me 'Miss Rainbow'. Which is probably my FAVOURITE nickname in the world. :) because it doesnt refer to my height ^_^ or the fact i am NOT ACTUALLY BLOND ^_^ or the fact that i do media instead of BIOPHYSICMATHSOTHERBRAINSUBJECTSWHOA. (its a new course, for all the whizzkids)
Also Also Also,
on the bus home, me&james&emily played this game.
'Snog. Marry. Or Cliff'
Basically, someone names three people (of the opposite sex to the person whos playing) and they say if they would marry, snog or push that person of the cliff.
Its a fun game. Involving unintentional bitchyness.
I was going to list MY opinions. But that would be harsh (I'm going to say though, that I was pretty enthusiastic about marrying mr webster, pushing mr hinde off a cliff, and snogging dr sykes. ew.)
Its such a lame, yet SO SO SO funny game.
Try it :)
Everyone was happy today. Because of the sun. A rugby ball landed on frampys tummy. That was funny. He was sleeping. So then I felt bad for laughing. At least hes not pregnant (Y) waheyy :]
Sunday, 15 March 2009
I've read some of my mates blogs and they are all about EMOTIONS and SERIOUS ISSUES, and i rant about some top i got from river island that came out of the wash a different colour. gah. i need to sort my priorities out.
'my life would be perfect if i had the new prada bag'
gah. it was paris hilton that said that. she really annoys me, but im ADDICTED to her stupid finding-a-best-friend show. THIS IS THE SORT OF THING I WATCH!
not the news, or the AM show.
thats why i keep talking about preppy-ness and jack wills and stuff.
pfft. epiphany, and then some!
Saturday, 14 March 2009
'At least my GCSE results don't spell out the word FUDGE!'
Annoyance. By J. R. Whittington :D
I’m annoyed.
The top I bought for the glow party came out of the wash.
And it’s gone a weird grey-ish green-ish colour. Icky.
I’m annoyed.
I was supposed to be going to town on Sunday, because I need clothes
(need clothes? I’m not NAKED. Ok, WANT new clothes!)
Turns out I have a massive report to do for media.
I’m annoyed.
All my mates are real smart. I’m miffed at my grade for socio.
Maybe I should have done hairdressing at Eastleigh college, or carpentry.. XD
I’m annoyed.
I have a day off work 2day which I was real excited about, I was planning on havina awesome RAVE-ilicious weekend. But I have SO MUCH work to do.
I’m annoyed.
But the good thing is that I am annoyed. Which means I have emotions. My sister used to find it really weird how I was CONSTANTLY happy and optimistic. About EVERYTHING. She used to think I was fake. But I was genuinely happy. The majority of the time. Its weird. At Thornden, everything seemed so easy, noone had anything to worry about (except ‘Does that guy I stalk think I’m invisible? Does he like me?) Stupid BOY stuff. When my sister started at Peveril [lameeee!] she was all stressed out and studying all the time, and I was like C’mon! FUN TIMES! ENJOY LIFE! (I’m gonna have to say, her social life wasn’t amazing!) But it obviously was worth it, she came out with 3As, and I’m hobbling along on a D grade for sociology. Which has actually got me real down. (Apparently 40% of sociology students at Symonds got a U! Crazy Stuff!)
Since getting my Jan Module exams back, I realise I DO have to study a lot harder, rather than worrying about what the latest movies are, and whether or not Ikea is amazing, and when I’m next going to see Gemma.
I gotta be selfish.
Which is going to be hard.
And I need to live in Ashurst.
Which is going to be even harder. :(
On a HAPPIER note, I bought my first ‘Big Issue’ magazine today. Had a surge of generosity, I guess. The smile of the womans face made it SO worth it, even if it meant I couldn’t get any credit =]
Thursday, 12 March 2009
'Your mum's an oxyMORON' :D
Considering I like colour, and 'individuality' (my arse)
Whenever I talk to someone about music (which is kinda MY LIFE!) they all expect me to listen to pop music. Like Sugababes. ew. Or Girls Aloud. ew. (although, they ARE vairrrr pretty) :D
I’m really into Enter Shikari, Alexisonfire and Bullet, which are some pretty hardxcore tracks. I was talking to my mate about music, and apparently I didn’t have a punkrock FACE. Which is crazy. Just because I LOVE LOVE LOVE wearing colours, cardies, ballet pumps and bright hoodies (which are pretty much my trademark now!) doesn’t mean I can’t listen to emo music. I guess its weird because emo music is normally real depressing, and I never really look like a depressed person. I'm pretty optimistic. A happy-spreader. Emo music, or punk rock music, is associated with BLACK and BAND T-SHIRTS and SKELETON MOTIVES. (fair enough, I have ONE Band T-Shirt. But its Paramore. And It Has Colours on it. IT DOESNT COUNT!) I reckon because a lot of my friends are into R&B and Pop music and chart toppers, its weird that I’m into more rock music. Some of my guy mates (like james! My amazing new-music provider! legend!) bully me into listening to RHCP, All time Low and Jimmy Eat World and don’t expect me to actually LIKE that music!
Its like, whenever I go to a gig (..I havent actually been to one in 2009 though. LAME) and everyones got strange-coloured hair and BLACK CLOTHES and BLACK FACIAL EXPRESSIONS and BLACK PERSONALITIES and BLACK SENSE OF HUMOUR (lol) and im like (8) la la la. got my pink converses and my shorts and my paramore top! (8)
[my attempt to emo-fy myself!]
I used to be real indiv. (theres pics of me on bebo in strange clothes, i think) but now im boring and symondsy. i guess i just dont want to be judged by what i wear.
gah. its nice to get this off my chest [RAPE!] - lol sophie - its really funny when people are playing songs (like matt, who likes to play the GUESS-THE-NAME-OF-THE-SONG game on the bus home, and who never expects me to win! Bluetar #1, ftw) and they find it weird when i actually know the name of a song, or the LYRICS. haha.
Got my socio results today! I didnt fail (Y) thats all im going to say...
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
aw dang, i've got honey all over my legs!
I’ve realised that I’m actually a lot more hesitant and worried about stuff than I thought I was.
In Sociology the other day, we did this weird crime survey thing, with questions like
6. I have let fireworks off in the street.
11. I have broken into a big store or garage or warehouse
26. I have fought to get away from a police officer.
28. I have stolen goods from school worth more than 5p.
33. I have been to an ‘18’ film under age
36. I have had sex for money.
41. I have smoked dope or taken pills.
Now THIS one made me laugh –
30 (Females only) I have had sex with a boy when I was under 16
31. (Males only) I have had sex with a girl when I was under 16 or with a boy when I was under 18.
Apparently, according to this survey, it’s illegal to be GAY, but not illegal to be a LESBIAN. Haha.GO GIRLS!
Anyways, we had to tally how many things we had actually done, to find out how DEVIANT and EVIL we were. Miggs got 22, he was the MOST deviant. I got 6. haha. Because I am a PANSY! But it turned out that the lower your number was, the more cautious you were about stuff, and the less spontaneous you were and the more likely you were to be undecisive!
Lamee. But it sums me up. I can't make decisions about ANYTHING! Especially while I'm in the middle of a LOVE-HEXAGON! =/
P.S its my brothers birthday today, and ross DIDN'T steal his babies
P.P.S my mums not going to die (y)
P.P.P.S the quote, in the title? its from family guy :]
type 'fast animals slow children' into youtube. haha.
P.P.P.P.S my media cw is on youtube :) type 'the tech effect' into youtube and please rate it :D
Buenos Noches. <3>
Monday, 9 March 2009
Word Vomit.

Had a bit of the ol' word vomit today in English lit/lang, which resulted in me getting VERY embarrased, and some old Henry Beaufort [i think!] kids taking the mick. Bad times.
I need to shut up sometimes, and think about who I am talking to.
Its a long story, I won't go into it now XD
Mark Watson last night was SO SO amazing!
I don't normally go out with my dad, we don't actually have a lot in common. So it was nice to chill with him, because hes not actually as embarrasing as I thought he was.
Mark Watson started going on about oral sex, and fingering though. Which was awkward with my dad being there. He kept turning to me and going (HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?)
Gah. The naivety of fathers. If only they knew what us teens were ACTUALLY up to.
I joke, I joke. :D
But I swear that my dad still thinks that I reckon poo and bum and fart are rude.
Whoa, the filth thats blurted out at Symonds. My dad would have a HEARTATTACK.
But yeah, Watson was amazing, I have never laughed as much IN MY LIFE.
I would try and quote stuff, but I guess its a 'be there' moment.
He had a lot of random anecdotes, and hes such a physical performer, kinda like Russell Howard 'I think I'm gna play hide and seek with myself. PRETEND you can't see me!'
Like I said. It's a 'be there' moment! :D
Other than that? I can't really think of anything amazing thats happened!
My brothers, Nick G's, my dads, Matt, Chris, Jamal, Chloe, Nat, Holly, Jo and Nicki, TO NAME BUT A FEW!
I'm going to be broke by April!!
P.S in the pic is Antonia, Me and Harriet.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE them so much. Fun English Times :)
cheeriooo! x
Sunday, 8 March 2009
but I'm worried about her, even though it's probably just a COLD or FLU or something.
I don't feel like writing today, even though it would be nice to distract me from my media essay.
Considering all my subjects are essay-based, its kinda lame.
Mark Watson tonight
Met someone called Will at the history workshop on friday, seems cool.
Glow party was fun, this guy kissed me which was weird.
Everyone was off their heads except me and Gemma, pretty much XD
ICT exam on friday,
Sociology results on thursday, REALLY don't want to look at them.
I don't have a good feeling about them, and I need cheering up not letting down again XD
Found out I'm missing the DRINKING SPREE in April, because I'm on holiday, (which is going to annoy Scott even MORE!)
Ma as-salaamah! x
(thats the ONE word I know in arabic!)
Friday, 6 March 2009
I've realised (better late than never!) than I overthink.
Not with things that mean anything, like overthinking whether Macmillan's government was a successful one or not, or overthinking how to stop poverty. But petty things, like Should I go to the History Workshop or hang out with my mates? Shall I get the next bus or wander around town for a bit? It's SO weird, but I'm so indecisive, and I'm not one of those people who can just jump into something randomly and see how it goes. If it works, YAY. If it doesn't, S_it happens!
It really bugs me though, because it kinda slows me down. And when I do come to a decision, I'm always really worried that I've made the wrong decision, or that I'll regret it at a later date. This is annoying for me AND a lot of my friends, who grow impatient while I'm um-ing and ahh-ing.
I think it's damaged some of my relationships too. Not just 'ILIKEHIMBUTSOMEONEELSELIKESMEANDWHATWOULDHAPPENIFIDATEDHIM?'
which is annoying in itself.
But I've drifted away from a lot of my friends recently, to hang out with other VERY MUCH MORE AMAZING friends, but I kinda miss them. And as they get more Jack Wills-ish, I always wonder if I would have a different personality, or attitude, if I wore their signature clothes.
I just need to be more spontaneous I guess, rather than worrying about the consequences.
Gah. Glow party 2nite (bright colours = my kinda party!!)
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Obese? Moi? Well, apparently so...
I have four followers.
Thats almost as good as the number of people who listened to 7radio when I was doing my show last friday (according to Matt the maximum was FIVE, at one time)
but its not my fault. my shows at LUNCH!
noone sits in ashurst listening to the radio at LUNCH!
except maybe james. whos always PHONING me in the middle of our show, when wer on air. haha.
I had a bit of a trashy MTV-watching fest last night. (after the trashy guitar hero-failing fest) The MTV fest actually lasted for about 20mins. That channels full of spoilt american barbies. haha.
Basically, I started watching 'Janice Dickinsons modelling agency,' which is one of those shows I'm secretly obsessed with, but too embarrased to tell anyone, like Paris Hiltons British Best Friend, Hollyoaks and Waterloo Road (MAXINE DIED!) :(
I'm normally fine with this show. They are all bitchy, egotistical and shallow, all the guys want to get in the girls pants, and they all hate Janice (the agent, who has had SO much plastic surgery its not even funny)
The issue I had with THIS show, was Janices' attitude towards curvier girls. The person who arranged who lived in the 'model house' decided that he wanted to 'break some barriers' in the model world, i.e BIG IS BEAUTIFUL. The three new girls weren't even chubby, barely even CURVY, but they had some fat on them. TRAUMA. When J met these girls she was all like 'I don't want to be associated with FAT.' and 'I had to work for my body, this isn't even natural' and all the newbies were all upset&eventually left. Although its always been kinda obvious, it made me realise how insecure people (mainly girls, I notice) can be about their bodies. The majority of my friends in college think they are overweight/are trying to aim to get the perfect 'beach body' in time for the summer, and therefore live on chewing gum and live in the gym. I keep telling them that they are stunning (which is true!) and one of my friends has the 'I will be more popular if I am skinny/I will get a boyfriend if I am skinny/maybe Jack Wills will give me a discount if I am skinny' attitude and it really bugs me, but I can't change that, however many times I tell her.
Thats the problem. Some people claim that they want to be skinny to 'fit in' better, or so more people will like them, but its mainly about how they see THEMSELVES. Which is annoying, because the majority of the girls at Symonds are gorgeous and skinny, but they think they have a deformed face/butt/nose.
I know a few people who have suffered from eating disorders, one situation affecting me a lot more than the others, but the number of people who are so insecure about their bodies (although they wouldn't class it as an illness) it crazy. Whenever I go to the gym (which nowadays, isn't that often) there's this guy who sits infront of the mirror, doing weights, for hours at a time. His arms are getting a bit Schwarzenegger-esque, which is weird for someone of 17 years old..Sure, sometimes girls are circling around him, giving him the opportunity to show off, but I am kinda concerned. And It's not just my girlies. One of my closest guy mates refuses to eat anything close to unhealthy. He says its because hes giving up snacks for Lent, but hes been doing it since before Xmas...
I don't really know if there really is ANYONE in the world who is 100% happy about their apperance. Every New Year, for the past few years, I aspire to stop eating CHOCOLATE! FOREVER! and MCDONALDS! FOR EVER! AND BOOTS MEAL DEALS! FOREVER! NEVER TOUCHING ANYTHING FATTY UNTIL I DIE! and I WILL EXERCISE! EVERYDAY!! ITS THE LAW.
and then by the 4th January. I stop.
Two reasons. I have no self-control, and although I will always have insecurities about my body (which is why I DON'T want to play strip poker at a certain someones house!) FOOD IS GOOD.
Thats the moral of the story. Eat and just be happy in your own corps.
Whoa. This is probably the first blog I have ever written that actually MEANS something. Gee..
On a lighter note...
'Where is the rum gone? (Remix)' funny stuff. Check it out on youtube, kthxbi.
Johnny Depp :D I love him in POTC, Gilbert Grape, edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Corpse Bride. I generally Love him. Haven't seen Sweeny Todd yet, and apparently hes in 'The Imaginarium of Dr Parnasuss (Heath Ledgers last film...NOT The Dark Knight, haha)
Anyway, thank you for reading and taking time to read my rant. Maybe when I become a younger Caitlin Moran I will thank my old readers :D BIG UP THE BLOGGERS, massivee!
And I have Twitter now, its strange...