Sunday, 10 May 2009

'Never put jam in a toaster'

everyone's got to have heard the spongebob F-U-N song.
however much i hate that show and however SCARED i am of spongebob, i wasn't able to avoid the singing of that BLOODY song in tutor. it was mainly charlie, naphen and geoff, if i remember rightly...

F is for Friends who do stuff together.
U is for You and me.
N is for Anywhere and anytime at all.

well i've got my own version of that song :D


F is for FUCK OFF, EXAMS!!
U is for University? No chance!

Hahah, do you like it?

We've got effing general studies today. People are either COMPLETELY freaking out about it, or they couldn't give a damn XD

Sadly, I am a freaking out person :(

3 hours of fun. Yay.

and i've got english lit/lang exam 2mz. I kinda love english, but I've kinda started SUCKING at it since GCSE.

The coursework was fine, hopefully I've got at least a B (Well, Kate said she thought it was good, I thought it was a bit shit)

but the exams SO boring and SO nothing-y.

Its pretty much the same as GCSE, but the texts in the anthology are SO crap and dull.

Like a bus timetable, or an article about someones trip to Otranto (written in a stab-me-boring kinda way)

and I have issues with the basic things in english. I mean, I can's like the only thing in the world i CAN do! Its paragraphs I never do.

Apparently if I don't paragraph right (I kinda love MASSIVE paragraphs that take up one pagee..) I will fail. at the exam AND at life =/

and I do circles instead of dots over my eyes.

Media teacher says its 'quirky'

Sociology teacher says its 'weird but cute'

English teacher HATES ME DOING IT!

Apparently some examiners are proper touchy about writing style.

My GCSE teacher said the same thing, and i still managed to get an A and an A*

I'm still just dead worried. Its a habit I can't erase :(

After monday though, my next exam isn't for two weeks. So I can CHILLL!!

Anyways. I need to NOT bore everyone about exams =/

i saw good ol' college dropout tom again today :D
well, first time in 2009 XD
I asked him what he was doing with his life.
He said cannabis.

Good for him, if thats what he wants to be 'doing' in 20 years.

I'm off to get some qualifications!

-crosses fingers-

Its sad that libbys left work. I was only just starting to get to know her. She was on the bus before me after work last weekend. I didn't know whether to hug her, cry (bit OTT!) or...i dunno.

I ended up saying 'FACEBOOK!' as she got on the bus..

And felt like a fool :(

1 comment:

EJ said...

NoshomThat was the word verifcation thingy to actually post this comment. Im very simple minded XD

Dont worry about gernal studies, whats there to freak about, apart from your hands dropping off from the pain. Ans i get extra time, horray for me!!

Just remember ur calulator and u'll do fine. AND WRITE IN PARAGRAPHS!! Thats the only thing i can do!!

And how can you scuk at wenglish if u got A and A*!!! you ish clever girl dont worry you'll do fine xxx