Monday, 30 November 2009

Ho hum. Tweedle-Dum.

You know when you have those moments when you are in a massive/semi-massive group of friends, and everyone is happy and smiley (excited about xmas, new twilight movie etc) and you still feel ALONE?

I've been getting that a lot atm.

I feel left out of some stuff and I am hormonal and get pissed off at little things.

However, sitting opposite the lift as the doors open to reveal a piece of card folded in the shape of a card which says 'Happy Birthday, from Downstairs'

That doesn't piss me off.

REPLYING to that message by writing 'Happy Christmas, Love Upstairs'

Makes me very happy too.

Ohh, the joys of John Shields :) Everyone is pleasant and friendly.

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