Tuesday, 9 February 2010

'Shawtys like a melody in my head...'

Me and my mum were having a TV war a second ago.
I wanted The Simpsons.
She wanted BBC News..

But we came across this channel (I think it was 4Music) and the #1 R&B song for this week is apparently 'Iyaz- Replay'

...No. I havent heard of it EITHER!

But I watched a bit of it, and was a bit annoyed at how the girls in the vid were SEXUALLY OBJECTIFIED (sociology taught me to be a bra-burning feminist!!)

Cue rant.

But my mummy interrupted me by saying, QUITE seriously:

'Why does that guy keep grabbing his crotch? Does he need the toilet?'

Oh how I laughed. But thinking about it.. I am not really sure of the answer.

DO they need the loo?
Do they have some sort of genital warts they just HAVE to keep scratching at?
Do they want to try and exaggerate the size of their 'man-vegetables'.. much like a woman would wear a push-up bra?

Oh, the wonders of 21st Century Rap music. So many questions. So many possible answers.

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