Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Goodbye Matalan.

I have my last shift at Matalan on saturday.
I am pretty excited, because I CANNOT STAND one of the managers... everytime she speaks, i want to kill her.
But I feel quite sad too, because I love everyone that I work with!!
I felt sad last weekend, discovering that I have already been replaced. By someone who is rubbish at doing refunds and tannoy announcements, but is really nice (she offered to stay an extra 30mins after her shift so I could have my lunchbreak covered!!) and really pretty. Dang nabbit.
But hopefully I will be able to work at Matalan again during christmas and holidays :) because although work is BORING, it's money. I love everyone who works there, and working keeps me away from shopping (and spending money I do not have!!)

:) Its lame that all I can think about talking about is WORK. Matalan is my life 8)

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