Sunday, 27 December 2009
Christmas and New Year.
Christmas was nice :] went to a nativity thing with my teeny cousins who are SO adorable :] lots of cheesy xmas movies and TV (was a bit disappointed with BBC's showing of RSC Hamlet.... David Tennant isn't great as Hamlet) =S
I GOT A LAPTOP :] exciting stuff :] now i Don't have to bully Nick off the PC when he is just on Farmville!!
and I got loadsa money and chocs and clothes and YAY :]
I hope everyone had a nice day :]
bit worried about New Year though...
me and my sister have both promised to EAT LESS CHOC and now i regret that..
New Years Resolutions.... they never work for me :]
In year 9 my NYR was to have a boyfriend by Valentines Day :] the guy I really liked (who apparently really liked me too) found out from SOMEONE about this NYR and thought I was really shallow for having this as my NYR. So when I declared my love to him he basically squished my heart like a bug.
:( i dont like boys.
My NYRs this year:
- Eat less choc (UNLIKELY!)
- start going to symonds gym again. at least 1x / 2x a week! (UNLIKELY!)
- stop watching miranda/nmtb/ugly betty on 4od/iplayer DURING ASHURST FREES!
- actually do some extended project stuffs.
- be less selfish. volunteering/help mum more (well i AM volunteering at a youth club at the rec! wooo, this NYR might workk!)
- know who my REAL REAL REAL friends are, and never ditch them.
- wake up earlier, and walk to the bus stop WITHOUT mia if she is late (i have missed the bus too many times because of her and its not worth it!)
- always reply to texts AS SOON AS IT IS READ. (esp if the sender is 'Batfink x')
-Open up more - to my parents and my buddies (a mistake I made recently was not talking to anyone about how i was feeling, and instead pretended to be fine and dandy. only a select few know how i really felt - EVENTUALLY.)
i think that is all for now :] they are pretty realistic i reckon!!
.... maybe!
hope you all have a happy new year :]
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
"Excuse me, is your refrigerator running? Because if it is, it probably runs like you - very homosexually."
aahhh, it has been a while!
Christmas is soon, which is exciting news :)
I think I have ALL my pressies, and am now broke. FOREVER.
anddd my dear sister keeps bugging me about saving money for uni (shes just finished her first year and has a £7000 debt!) no new shoes for me :(
my life is ok though :) birmingham uni is my fave but apparently theres been a bit of bitchy conflict between the main sociology lecturers, so they may cancel the course until 2013.
which is bull, tbh.
So today I was frantically ringing UCAS to change my course, applied to Surrey instead :)
My sociology teacher gave me an xmas pressy today. THREE ESSAYS IN ONE FOLDER.
thanks, mr bennett. =/ I got A, B and A/B though, so its all good :)
had an interesting convo with my brothers friend on the way to BEASTLEIGH today. apparently he was kissed on the cheek by a girl 'and i felt my willy go stiff'
nice. he is 12. first experience of an erection. hopefully his LAST. ew.
my brother went on a blind date today, to the cinema. MUCH TEASING ENSUED.
had a driving lesson today and my instructor insisted we 'frollick in the snow' which could sound like he was a paedophile, but he just wanted me to take some pics for facebook.
my instructor is weird. he likes pointing our pigeons 'ELLO PECKY!' and everytime he sees me he bugs me about adding him on 'the book of face' (facebook, for human speak)
i reckon if he wasnt a driving instructor he would be one of those people who pose as pre-teens online and meet up with young girls they meet on (which i will explain later!) and RAPE THEM.
my friend mia used to go on, which was basically a chatroom forum thing for PAEDOPHILES. when i didnt have the magic of msn (which was up until about year 11!) i used to shimmy into her house and go online, while she would be a bad HOST and watch TV or text guys she had never met.
but i went on and it was CRAZY.
Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Jennie. I like Powerpuff Girls and rainbows and flowers and pixies and snowflakes.
Yo, babes. What you wearing?
I am wearing my favourite slippers, they have ponies on.
I meant like, what undies are you wearing?
... are you naked yet?
I am horny.
Want to meet up for fun times?
Where do you live?
the scary thing about talking to these people, apart from the fact that a lot of them were in their early 20s and were probably touching themselves up when I told them that I like nutella, was that a suspicious amount of them seemed to know that I lived in Chandlers Ford (i.e MIA lived in Chandlers Ford)
My mummy told me to not to talk to strangers and not to take drugs and to practise safe sex and always tell the truth and always eat my greens and never eat too much pie and always brush my teeth and always be friendly and NEVER TELL STRANGERS WHERE I LIVE!
I swear that girl is going to meet up with one of those guys at some point, and she will regret it.
la la la la la.
hope everyone has a fab christmas :) I got my tiny cousins coming over tomorrow, and family round after xmas
(i basically dislike ALL of my mums side of the family!)
and new yearsss!!
wooo :)
cheerio guys.
knowing me, I won't blog until 2010!!
Saturday, 5 December 2009
nfofnfksofbsuaoih8407rbvjdskgfyo. :)
How exciting!
I feel bored.
But bored.
Got a dinner party at my friend Antoniaaaaa's house, which I am excited about :)
Fed up with extended project. Fed up with media coursework. Just had an argument with my Dad. Fed up with being ill.
Aaand about 30secs ago I finished watching our Arundel DVD that Awesome-Katie made for us. And I miss it. I don't think we will ever have the whole bunch of us back for rave numero deux.
But it was such a fun week and I wish it went on FOREVER.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
My mum is too cool.
My mum practucally had a fit, she was so excited.
The One and Only song in the 21st Century that my mum likes has to be the SHITTEST.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Ho hum. Tweedle-Dum.
I've been getting that a lot atm.
I feel left out of some stuff and I am hormonal and get pissed off at little things.
However, sitting opposite the lift as the doors open to reveal a piece of card folded in the shape of a card which says 'Happy Birthday, from Downstairs'
That doesn't piss me off.
REPLYING to that message by writing 'Happy Christmas, Love Upstairs'
Makes me very happy too.
Ohh, the joys of John Shields :) Everyone is pleasant and friendly.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Is the youth club safe?
One of my friends helped to set it up, so I was considering volunteering there :]
But then I found out they provide condoms and sex advice.
Oh. Its THAT sort of age group.
I found it gross that a lot of my brothers friends (hopefully NOT my brother himself) were considering going occasionally, for the free condoms.
Apparently this club is for 11-16 year olds, and is 6:00- 8:30.
I find that EMBARRASING.
No teenage kid wants to be picked up from a youth club, with pockets stuffed with contraception at 8:30. 10pm would seem pretty badass. IT IS PAST YOUR CURFEW.
Another thing, theres a youth club just by the Winch train station (I can't think what its called atm... google says its called 'Twenty5') and there was a sign on the window, saying 'WE PROVIDE HEALTH ADVICE, CHLAMYDIA TESTS AS WELL AS COMDOMS AND LUBE'
1. ew.
2. fair enough if they are encouraging SAFE sex, but they're still kinda encouraging ANY sex. (everyone loves a freebie!)
3. They spelt 'Condom' like 'Comdom'. Are they like condoms with a free STI?
Like I said, everyone likes a freebie ;)
Monday, 16 November 2009
Maybe Symonds sent off a picture of my student ID, and neither Birmingham, Cardiff, Bristol or Sheffield like my FACE.
I have got one email from Bristol, which made me excited until I realised it was a note confirming they had got my applicationn...
But everyone I know seems to have at least ONE interview/offer...maybe even 4 or 5.
I feel lonely.
Maybe I will have to live at Symonds FOREVER!
I could work in Ashurst and liven it up a bit.
New Rule: Ashurst people must be HAPPY and distribute cake to people who look like they are working hard :)
Monday, 9 November 2009
Superdrug Bitch.
While I was covering Liz on cosmetics, I asked this woman if she needed any assistance (which I thought was pretty polite...I normally just talk to Chloe or fiddle with mascara...
Her: Do you have any face packs?
Me: Do you mean face masks? We have plenty...
Her: NO, not face masks, face PACKS. To cover blemishes.
Me: Foundation, do you mean?
Her: no.
Me: Concealer? I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean...
Her: Well I think you need a briefing, you clearly have no idea what you are doing. You need some training.
Now, because Liz is the main cosmetics advisor on Saturdays, I don't actually know A LOT about make-up. Obviously this woman wouldn't know this, but no need to get your knickers in a twistttt. Knickers in a twist. KNICKERS IN A TWIST. (its a song from Greenbelt, haha!)
I got pissed off at this woman. Fucking menopause.
P.S I just google'd face packs. THEY ARE THE SAME AS FACE MASKS. Jeeez.
Friday, 6 November 2009
A present. What is it? A sexually transmitted infection. Gee, thanks!
I read what it said on the soap (maybe it was Superdrug soap? I don't know why I read it!)
On the label it read '[name of brand, can't remember what it was] WHERE AID COMES FIRST'
But I read it as '[name of brand, can't remember what it was] WHERE AIDS COME FROM'
That scared me.
So, I now have AIDs, on my hands :) kthxbi.
'Fire makes me kinky'
Went with Lucy, Sabrina and Suzannah.
Met up with Gemma, and Alice (Lucy's sister) =/
After getting lost and tripping over various times in the dark, met up with some Symondians in the park.
While we were waiting for the fireworks, Gemma asked us if there was a method on how to give a guy a handjob.
She's odd like that.
But I love her.
She is my BEST FRIEND :]
...i think I am hers too...
So yeah, that was interesting.
Then Sabrina was like 'If you need any sex advice, call me!'
Also nice.
After that lovely heart to heart we went into the school.
The shelves in the library were TINY and the doors were TINY and the sinks in the loo were TINY.
It was so weird but so cute :) I want to be a teacher now.
Then we spent about 10mins hiding in the loos from our old deputy head/my teacher in year 4&6, until Gemma started off a convo and was like 'THEY ARE HIDING FROM YOU BECAUSE THEY ARE EMBARRASED. SUZANNAH, DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM?'
Right in front of him.
Then we had a sparkler rave, which took ages because Sabrinas lighter had no fluid in it. I tried rubbing a sparkler on a rock to light it. IT DOES NOT WORK.
Then we stalked Becky&Pinchy and the PW crew.
I was offered gateau. It didnt look pleasant.
Some weird people were setting off fireworks in the middle of the rec.
They were intending to lose their FACE i think...
Ohh, and when we left the car park (Zanna can drive, WAHEYY!!) all the year 11s put their fingers up at us (well we WERE pretty lame and playing Cheryl Coles new album VERY loudly!!) then Sabrina said 'Something smells funny.' Lucy said 'MAYBE THEY PUT A FIREWORK IN THE EXHAUST!' haha. FUNNY.
So we spent 10mins freaking out, until we all managed to get out (convinced the car was about to explode)...
no firework.
and I was back home for my bedtime.
9pm :P
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Je suis malheureuse :(
Ho hum.
I have ACTUALLY been busy with overtime and media cw and socio essay(s!) and english coursework and extended project, which is slowly killing me. Like katie, J'ai writers block :( and writers block doesn't go well with LAZINESS.
I'll be honest, I would rather watch Monsters Inc. than write about a topic that I USED to find interesting, and now bores the crap out of me =/
Today this is going to be a half happy blog, half sad blog. Maybe even 1/4 happy, 3/4 sad.
SAD: I am ill. I just did 5 hours at work and I spent the whole time trying not to die, rather than remembering to give people their stamps =/
HAPPY: I have 2 new buddies at Superdrug! (Well, maybe 1.5. One is a FRIEND, the other is an ACQUAINTANCE. Emily James <3 and Rachael Beckingham :) (she was a Thornden kid, and her mum helped out with us Foood Tech kids!! Woo!!)
And I am excited. I also feel very WISE and OLD. I hope to show them some tricks that will benefit them, and will prevent any surprises in terms of....THE TILLS. dun dun dunnnnnn.
SAD: I miss Thornden. I saw my deep-voiced, gruff Systems Control&ICT teacher (Mr Ashmannn!) on the bus, and 1. he remembered me! and 2. i remembered what a legend (albeit a scary one!) he was!
HAPPY: Waterloo Road is back on tonight! But I am raving it up at Gemmas tonight so I will have to iplayer it :) Wooo!!
SAD: I complained to my manager today about having to dress up halloween-y on Saturday (normally I would be SO up for it, but last xmas I went really OTT with the oufit, FULL ON FAIRY while noone else bothered, so it was embarrasingg!!) and Scott said 'Don't worry about halloween. I'm sure you will find something scary and spooky to dress up like. Why don't you just wear you FACE!' and then when I forgive him he went to give me a high-5 and then rejected me. FML.
HAPPY: Um...
SAD: I have lost my cash card. I am too embarrased to tell my parents because I have already lost (and found, luckily!) my bus pass, my keys and my umbrella this week. (and my brother once, oops!)
SAD (and this is a BIG sad): I think I may have officially lost a best friend. At Thornden I was always like 'MUST HAVE A TRILLION FRIENDS, MUST GET 400 LOVES ON BEBO, MUST BE POPULAR FOREVER!' and in a way, i really liked that! (Xmas was expensive, though!) but since college I have realised who my REAL friends are, and now I have a smaller, CLOSE set of buddies :) but I saw Gem in town today and although I hadn't seen her for ages, it was WEIRDLY awkward.
Shes been my bestie since primary school, and although we have always been SO different, we've always been best friends! But I guess now I realise how different we really are.
In a way (and I am not trying to really put myself down!) it's kinda lady and the tramp. Beauty and the Beast. I am not saying I am so ugly, but in town today I was in my work uniform, looking scruffy and sniffly and tired and wearing a hoody, trousers and shoes I bought YEARS ago, while she was all glammed in New look (probably! 50% staff discount, I wouldn't be surprised!)
Apparently she was out with her mum planning a holiday to Europe (either Turkey or France I think).
With the preppy Jack Wills people.
i.e Without FUCKING me.
Sorry, I am just annoyed, and I have no idea why! I went to Arundel with my Symonds buddies and although I feel guilty not inviting her, it wouldn't have been the same with her there. It's sweet that shes invited me over tonight but sometimes its like I don't exist.
I was there for her when she was ill for a couple of years at Thornden. (thats another story!) and I was there for her when both of her grandparents died. and her hamster. :)
I KNOW we are different, and I know shes really into parties and drinking and spending stupid amount of money in Hollister and A&F.
I just don't like how much she has changed.
I never really fell out with my friends at Thornden so losing the person who used to be my #1 human being IN THE WORLD is hard.
The annoying thing is that shes stunning and friendly and SO SO smart, so I can't be like 'haha! at least I have brains!'
I am sure I am just overreacting, and we obviously have different things on and we have met different people at college, but at the mo I just feel greedy.
I want to cling on to ALL of my friends, make new friends, and just have everything the same as it was at Thornden.
Easy coursework, no friend issues.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Oh dear.
I have an embarrasing secret.
I have joked about it in the past (and possibly previous blogs) but I can't deny it.
I think I may be in love with my old Thornden tutor.
Martin Webster.
My first crush at Hiltingbury Infants was called Martin too.
How ironic.
I just got back from town with Antonia, and when I got off the bus and was stumbling home (I bought too much!) Mr W was walking towards me with his little Merdon daughter.
YES. He has a daughter.
He is about late 30s?
But, when I saw him my heart had a fluttering thing.
How embarrasing.
'You look like Pingu, kinda'
Heading off to town with Antoniaaaa in a bizzle :)
Mission shopping. Which I officially HATE.
You know, when you go shopping but there's something that you NEED to get?
Whenever I do that I never find what I want, so I sulk and buy a Shakeaway.
Life is nice :)
Adam's shindig this weekend, but I am going to be SLEEEEPYYY because I have 6.5 hours of work before. Whoop.
The lovely Emily James.
The lovely Claudia Temple.
Fingers crossed!!
I have never laughed so much in my life :) and it helped that I was with Geoff, he says ONE WORD and it cracks me up. He bought me some flashing/light up sunnies for my birthday and I bullied him into bringing his, but we didn't have the guts to wear them in the end :D
But M.M was so funny.
And he only repeated ONE joke, which I had heard on Live at the Apollo. I was worried he would repeat EVERYTHING. We saw Becky Simsss in the interval too. I bought a poster. I was almost tempted to remove my MASSIVE paramore poster to be replaced by M.M.
But I have a slight lesbian crush on Hayley Williams :S
We have a 4.5day weekend this week!!
Whoopp! But I have so much work to do I am going to be a loser. =/
Ooh, and I'll give you an update on how my driving lessons are going.
Two Words.
It doesn't help that my driving instructor is Italian and I can barely understand a word he is saying, and when he sees a pigeon he goes 'HELLO, PECKY!'
We had a heated debate on whether a pigeon was the same as a pheasant.
Cheerio folks, have a nice MASSIVE weekend :) x x x x x
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Hot. Squishy. Sweat. Condoms.
Haha, at the start a bunch of prepubescent guys thought it would be fun to entertain themselves (and everyone else, apparently) by blowing up condoms and chucking them around. If you burst one then you would automatically become the most hated person in the Guildhall. Possibly in the whole of Southampton, LOL.
Basically, Tues night was Shikari-loving :) I went with Haz which I thought would be awkward (shes gone pretty Jack Wills-ish since college!) but it was proper fun.
So I spent the whole night right at the front. Lots of bummage =/ Mainly from old sweaty topless men. Nice.
The support bands, to put it mildly, were pretty SHIT but we had a RAVE crowd which made it funnn :]
There was this really nice guy with a green/yellow/red mohican who stood by me and because he was tall (and lets face it, compared to the majority of the people in the room, i was a MIDGET) everytime he got water from the front he would always make sure I got some.
(When the gig finished and everyone was outside, I was SO excited about life I actually went over and gave him a sweaty hug, and thanked him so much...I think he was a bit freaked out. But last year I didnt get any water until I got home, so I had to concentrate on NOT DYING rather than the music!!)
Rory jumped into the crowd at the end and I grabbed his face. :)
And Matt got the setlist so I hate him now (and I still hate Katie for getting the Michael Franti setlist, aha!)
Anyways, they were amazing.
I hate it how Rob, my favourite Shikarian, is a drummer....
Means hes always at the back and never able to jump on speakers/into the crowd.
My mission will be to create compact drum kits, so it WILL be possible :)
But yeah.
Fun night :)
Better than last year :)
Didn't play 'Anything can happen in the next half hour' or 'Jonny Sniper' (or 'Adieu, but thats not really a GIG song!!'
:) x
Sunday, 4 October 2009
'Look! That guy has ginger beer!' 'Oh. Well I have a ginger PERSON!'
Apparently, I am easily pleased.
If someone is REALLY winding me up, it’s easy to get on my good side again.
And that is by WINKING.
Emily likes to wind me up in English, I’m not really entirely sure WHY. But as soon as she winks at me, I am like putty in her hands.
This guy came into work today, and had a go at me for overcharging him by about 3p. I got a bit panicky (the shop was BUSY!) until he winked at me, and told me he was cool with it.
That is my new found weakness. WINKING.
Oh, and let me update you on #1 Bluestar bus shenanigans.
It should change its name to BlueRAVE bus, I swear.
First up, on the way to Winch the driver mounted the kerb, and shouted SHIT so loudly, I felt like laughing. Then this old woman sitting behind me said ‘There’s no need for fucking expletives’
On the way BACK, there was this cute old man sitting in the space where the wheelchairs normally are, and he was snuggled up to the backrest and was hugging it. Then he fell asleep. I literally wanted to marry him then and there.
After promo last Tuesday, I missed the bus so had to sit in McDonalds for over an hour. I ordered a drink and some weird burger thing and the guy who served me (who was CRACKING everyone up all night!) said ‘Do you want fries?’ and I said no, I only intended to spend £2 max.
Later on, while I was sitting like a lonely fool, he came over with some freee fries.
Most people who know me PROBABLY know that the way to my heart is through my stomach. When I left, he said ‘Come back soon, ya!’ and I fell in love. Haha.
P.S Apparently there IS such a thing as ‘too much quiche’. I have eaten enough quiche this weekend to feed the southern hemisphere:(
P.P.S The blog title is courtesy of Rebecca Louise Sims. :)
Monday, 28 September 2009
Chandlers Ford? It SHOULD be Chandlers For- GAYS!
My english buddy. My (old) media buddy.
I love her more than Adam.
Haha, not quite. But ALMOST!
We got let out of english 40mins early the other day :O
but it was a double, my teacher didn't just COMPLETELY ditch us.
And we were talking about the 3 (THREE!!!!) new sweet shops in winch, and I was ranting about how it was because everyone who lived in Winch was fat and gay.
Turns out she lived in winch, so she started dissing the Ford.
But it was funny.
If I was a man, and Gemma was already married, I would probably marry Emily :D
I was on the bus today, and it was fun watching myself on the TV screen.
Because I was BRIGHT ORANGE.
I had an interesting day at work, which is odd.
Sundays are normally BORING.
First up, there was only 4 of us working, because the cosmetics chick FAINTED in the middle of the aisle. I was so freaked out, she just went all floppy and shakey.
But I sat with her and helped her. -is an angel-
She ended up having to be picked up by her dad, and she was so upset.
Get Well Soon Rachelll :)
This woman came in today who looked SO much like Zoe Wanamaker (the mum in 'My Family' and the weird woman in Harry .P)
I probably freaked her out, because I was staring at her A LOT.
Waitrose was giving away free cereal bars, and the guy was like 'As soon as we get rid of all these cereal bars we can go home' so he gave me about 7 =/
They weren't even that yummy. Silly waitrose, invading Chandlers Ford and now WINCHESTER?
Asda ftw.
I served this guy today who was SO irish I could barely understand a THING he was saying, which was incredibly frustrating for both of us.
Ok, the capitalisation (thats not even a word) of 'guess what' makes it sound like it is really interesting, but it was exciting for me. a MEDIA student.
I SOLD Krishnan Guru-Murthy INSECT REPELLENT!!
As in, the news presenter from channel 4!?!?
I am not even kidding.
My manager was getting real excited about it too.
An interesting fact for you.
News presenters often shop in Sainsburys. :O
I was so embarrasingly star struck, like I had just met Obama or Jesus or someone from Linkin Park.
:) but it really made my dayy!!
Oohh, and I have fallen in love with Mark, my manager.
Because unlike Scott, when I ask 'can i start 5mins early and finish 5 mins early so I can get my bus' he doesn't deliberately try and delay me, or generally give me AIDs.
Shame hes my manager.
Shame he doesn't swing that way.
Shame hes ENGAGED.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
We are GOLDEN.
The first thing my sister said me to last Saturday morning (when I was just about to head off to work) was ‘Oi. That top makes you look flat chested.’
Sisterly love.
Well, I am kind of used to it, considering we are ALWAYS ina verbal war or bullying each other about impending obesity/how gay our boyfriends are. But she never really bullies my boobs. Gah.
Once I got to work everyone seemed to think my hair looked ‘emo’. It is dark chocolate. Not Black!
Then, when I got to work, my manager called me a ‘schizer kopf’ and I didn’t know what it meant. He later told me it means ‘shit head’. Nice. We have a pleasant employee-boss relationship.
Then earlier this week someone made fun of the fact that I wasn’t sure whether tuna was a fish or a meat.
Clearly, my life is a slow news story, if the only thing happening to me is minor bullying.
EXCEPT. shock horror. I met someone in my media class who had an 'ENTER SHIKARI' top on and i almost proposed to him. ALMOST. not quite.
Friday, 18 September 2009
But I have come to the conclusion that I am tired.
Most people I know would know that I am tired. ALL THE TIME.
Maybe because I am unfit, and get tired walking up the hill to college, but I assure you I am not the only one :] and I blame the varley cookies (which are now crap and COLD, apparently! what the hell!) for ruining my MUSCULAR GYM BODY :] haha. I am so butch.
But now I definitely know that I am tired.
The other night when I was feeling ill (probably AIDs, or 'Reading [as in the festival, not the hobby] flu' both incidently from Adam.) I went downstairs to get a bottle of water (I have a weird obsession with refrigerated water. I really don't like drinking water straight from the tap. Yes, I am a freak) and basically I returned to ma chambre with a bottle of ketchup. I HATE ketchup so luckily I didn't drink it!
Last sunday at work I woke up my parents, asking for some change for the bus (£1.50 CHILD ticket, woohoo! Hooray for baby faces!) [I almost typed 'hooray for baby faeces!' that would have been bad!] only to remember that I had a bus pass, which I had bought the day before, and it was IN MY HAND.
And literally about 5 secs ago, I finished watching Jekyll and Hyde (John Hannah, SWOON! Killing people and he is still amazing and beautiful!), which was for my english coursework, HOORAY FOR FREE ASHURST DVDs! and I shoved the DVD in one of my brothers XBOX game boxes, and walked out the living room carrying my coursework in a 'Midnight Club Los Angeles' box, much to the annoyance of mini Whitt and to the confusion of papa and mama Whitt.
You see, I am not very good at sleeping.
I used to be like GOOD NIGHT MUMMY TUCK ME IN READ ME A STORY I WANT SOME COCOA and then zzzzzzzzzzzz instantly!
Now it takes me hours to sleep.
Normally I don't sleep when I have exams/am ill/have something to worry about.
Now I am just retarded.
I hate people who say 'lolage'
I hate people who say 'Ciao' too =/
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip.
'Thou Shalt Always Kill'
Good Lyrics :) Fab song.
I like hairy skinny bearded men that rap with balding chubby men :]
Thou shalt not steal if there is direct victim.
Thou shalt not worship pop idols or follow Lost Prophets.
Thou shalt not take the names of Johnny Cash, Joe Strummer, Johnny Hartman, Desmond Decker, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix or Syd Barret in vain.
Thou shalt not think that any male over the age of 30 that plays with a child that is not their own is a peadophile... Some people are just nice.
Thou shalt not read NME.
Thou shalt not stop liking a band just because they've become popular.
Thou shalt not question Stephen Fry.
Thou shalt not judge a book by it's cover.
Thou shalt not judge Lethal Weapon by Danny Glover.
Thou shalt not buy Coca-Cola products.
Thou shalt not buy Nestle products.
Thou shalt not go into the woods with your boyfriend's best friend, take drugs and cheat on him.
Thou shalt not fall in love so easily.
Thou shalt not use poetry, art or music to get into girls' pants.
Use it to get into their heads.
Thou shalt not watch Hollyoaks.
Thou shalt not attend an open mic and leave before it's done just because you've finished your shitty little poem or song you self-righteous prick.
Thou shalt not return to the same club or bar week in, week out just 'cause you once saw a girl there that you fancied but you're never gonna fucking talk to.
Thou shalt not put musicians and recording artists on ridiculous pedestals no matter how great they are or were.
The Beatles... Were just a band.
Led Zepplin... Just a band.
The Beach Boys... Just a band.
The Sex Pistols... Just a band.
The Clash... Just a band.
Crass... Just a band.
Minor Threat... Just a band.
The Cure... Just a band.
The Smiths... Just a band.
Nirvana... Just a band.
The Pixies... Just a band.
Oasis... Just a band.
Radiohead... Just a band.
Bloc Party... Just a band.
The Arctic Monkeys... Just a band.
The Next Big Thing.. JUST A BAND.
Thou shalt give equal worth to tragedies that occur in non-english speaking countries as to those that occur in english speaking countries.
Thou shalt remember that guns, bitches and bling were never part of the four elements and never will be.
Thou shalt not make repetitive generic music,
thou shalt not make repetitive generic music,
thou shalt not make repetitive generic music,
thou shalt not make repetitive generic music.
Thou shalt not pimp my ride.
Thou shalt not scream if you wanna go faster.
Thou shalt not move to the sound of the wickedness.
Thou shalt not make some noise for Detroit.
When I say "Hey" thou shalt not say "Ho".
When I say "Hip" thou shalt not say "Hop".
When I say, he say, she say, we say, make some noise... kill me.
Thou shalt not quote me happy.
Thou shalt not shake it like a polaroid picture.
Thou shalt not wish you girlfriend was a freak like me.
Thou shalt spell the word "Pheonix" P-H-E-O-N-I-X not P-H-O-E-N-I-X, regardless of what the Oxford English Dictionary tells you.
Thou shalt not express your shock at the fact that Sharon got off with Bradley at the club last night by saying "Is it".
Thou shalt think for yourselves.
And thou shalt always... Thou shalt always kill!
Long time no see
Not much has changed though.
I am 17 now :)
Learning to drive :)
Dyed my hair :)
3As and 2Bs :)
Wales has a lot of sheep.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
History won't be heartbroken.
Just started a new year at college and I really can't be bothered.
I am now considering a gap year, just so I can escape all this pressure and studying for one year! But I guarantee I would spend the whole time living in Primark. I would be BROKE.
Greenbelt (which now seems like AGES ago) was amazing.
I loved Athlete, Y Friday, Royksopp :D and Duke Special.
NOT Through Solace.
Last year the bands in the Underground (basically, an emo-y venue in this small club thing) were amazing (TANKUSSSSS!) and this year they were terrible. Gah.
I discovered the magic of Rob Bell too. I am in love with a middle-aged American now, who's children likes Flo Rida. :)
and Alex Horne was AMAZING. I like hairy ginger men now :)
And I also discovered the 'Soul Space.' On the Monday, when everything was starting to settle down (i.e NOT MUCH DECENT STUFF ON UNTIL THE EVENING) I went with Jo and Matt and it was basically a quiet area. I normally avoid those kind of areas you see.
But it was a room with loads of different 'stations' in it, so you could do loads of little fiddly things, like just making paper aeroplanes, hairbraids and other odd things. But I spent about an hour in there (shocker!) and I actually realised how little I properly relax. I am always buzzing around trying to spend my WHOLE life meeting up with friends (who I am sometimes sure don't give a toss about me) and basically preoccupying myself. That normally involves shopping, partying or even just watching a movie.
But I never have time to just sit. Think. Read. Listen to Music. Sleep.
Over the summer I had been getting so worked up about friends cancelling plans, or the weather affecting what I could do. I wanted to do something FUN (and ultimately, expensive) every single day. I never have time to be a loner. I have matured (partially!) since Thornden. I don't always need someone to keep me company. But I don't often have a chance to be alone. Which is depressing. Considering I have a boyfriend, and want to spend as much time as possible with him, there are days when I can't face other people. For some reason. I would rather curl up in a ball in a corner than talk to people. Other days I want to see EVERYBODY AT THE SAME TIME AND I MISS MY OLD FRIENDS AND I LIVE ON FACEBOOK AND I TRY AND STAY IN CONTACT WITH EVERYONE, OLD AND NEW FRIENDS WHEN THEY HAVE MOVED ON AND DON'T GIVE A DAMN.
I don't really understand where this blog is going...
Oh, and I have finally dropped History. I really REALLY miss it though. I love my teacher, and I loved the course, but it was too hard (but I got an A, wtff!) and stressful.
These next few months up to Xmas (and including christmas!) are going to be awesome.
Enter Shikari.
Michael McIntyre.
Ed Byrne.
Boarding at Exeter uni for half term.
Parents in Paris for the weekend.
and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (I can't say what it is, its a SURPRISE)
but I am so excited!
oh. and the 3D version of Toy Story coming out :D
I like life.
Over and out.
P.S I have a guilty love for Mika's new single :) 'We are Golden.' Check it out. He's a cutie.
Thursday, 6 August 2009
I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night.
I used to be SO obsessed with them, and wanted Apl D Ap AND Taboo's babie's :D
But, as always, they got real mainstream and I got sick of all the preppies singing 'My Humps' and dancing like sluts in the P.E changing rooms :/
'You can look but you can touch, if you touch I'm gonna START SOME DRAMA, you don't want no drama.'
But now their new stuff is AMAZING.
Except 'Boom Boom Pow' which has officially been overplayed.
But I LOVE 'I gotta feeling' and 'Party all the time' and 'Simple Little Melody'
Other songs I am obsessed with (but I am sure you don't really CAREE)...
VV Brown : Shark in the Water
Natty : Bedroom Eyes
Kanye West : Supernova
Calvin Harris : Neon Rocks
Daniel Merriweather : Red
N-Dubz : Ouch
Blur : Countryside
and of course the DUCK SONG.
I had a weird taste in music, I like ALL types :)
Story of my life...
I never normally like waiting for buses after work, because I am tired and grumpy and hungry.
But this random guy started talking to me (I deliberately stood at least 10feet away from him at all times) just to pass the time. He must have been early 20s, and he kept asking me about my salary (which I pretended I didn't know) so he must of thought I was a full-timer too! But turns out he lived in C.Ford too, so we started talking about the car crash in Fryern, and the shooting at HSBC, and Thornden (which he apparently went to too!)
I was kinda creeped out, I don't normally chat to random people at bus stops, but the bus was 40mins late and he kept phoning the bus service and asking when our bus would come. but once we were on the bus he was like 'It was really nice to meet you, Jennie' and I SO wanted to add him on facebook and have his babies.
Except he was probably a paedophile.
But yeah.
Sunday, 26 July 2009
And I'll sit and wonder Of every love that could've been. If I'd only thought of something charming to say. (8)
I have too much to say about it, so I'll try and sum up.
Best people in the world. Beaches. SUNSHINE! 2p slot machines. Dance mats. Nutella Sandwiches EVERYDAY (haha). Playing 'kiss, marry, push off a cliff' with the girlies after midnight. Poi. Pizza Express. Sunbathing. Swimming. Failing at snooker. Cute kids EVERYWHERE. Sexual-ness (mainly on Tom and Becky's partt!) Shopping with guys, and NOT hating it. Brighton. Little Hampton. Walking everywhere, and NOT dying/moaning too much! Cheap train journeys. Ice cream. Pouch for a pound :P
I think thats it.
Check out the pics on facebook (Tom's photos, or the ones I'm tagged in) it was just so much fun!
I met this really REALLY interesting guy in Sociology a while ago, but I haven't managed to mention him before.
He is the epitome of everything I want to be, but can NEVER be.
Basically, we were discussing the pros and cons of globalisation. Our group was supposed to be FOR it. But he was SO against it.
He hates Tescos, designer labels, generic shops. Instead he shops in charity shops, or jumble sales. To admit this to a class DOMINATED by Jack Will-ians was probably the bravest thing I have ever seen.
I have always craved to be an 'individual', although losing my sense of indiv. since year 9 and going into college, I NEED to fit in. He wasn't scared to admit that he buys his clothes second hand, or that he refuses to buy food anywhere other than local farm stores (he must STARVE at college!) and I really admire that. So many people declare that they are individual because of the clothes they wear, or the fact that they wear odd socks, or leg warmers in the summer. Yet this guy is an individual in terms of his morals and principles, and I appreciate that.
I haven't lost faith in ALL of society.
Except after we were discussing this, he argued about how religion was expolitative and a waste of time. What a prat. But noones perfect :)
Friday, 24 July 2009
Life is nice :)
it was amazing.
end of blog. haha.
I'll just talk about it in another blog, so I can reminisce :D
and I'm sure Tom/Katy/Katie will have pics up soon, so you can LOL.
but there is TOO MUCH to say about it now!!
I just checked my inbox. 79 UNREAD MESSAGES.
Makes me feel loved.
But I am sure it is ALL spam =/
i just checked.
63 of the messages are spam :(
but i got an email from my junior apprentice buddy so i am EXCITED!
and she might have got through to the FILMING :O
fingers crossed :)
i had a media trip last thurs, to the O2 bubble in london (the british music experience)
it was like this awesome interactive 'journey?' through the british music eras.
it was SO FUN.
and there was loads of merch, and FREDDIE MERCURYS JACKET.
and i touched his BUM (well, it was a cardboard cut out but STILL!)
swoon, if only he wasn't gay/dead/with aids :(
basically it was a really fun trip.
but there was this massive shrine outside, dedicated to Michael Jackson.
a message board, where everyone could write their messages.
we wrote a few messages, then i found this letter tucked into the side of the board, which REALLY freaked me out.
basically, this letter declared the writers undying love for M.J
not just love, but OBSESSION.
she (her name was Aimee, and she was 21 - nosy, much?) said that although she and Jacko had never met, she felt as though their souls were connected. they were meant to be together. that Jacko's music was a tribute to her and elements of her life.
and this level of idolisation really scared me.
I have ALWAYS known people who admire celebrities, or become fans of bands etc, but not to this level. it was worrying.
anyways i am tired. apparently i sleep-talked last night, which means I should be shattered!
correct, I am.
See you around folks.
Plus, my media teacher added me on facebook, which I thought was VERY VERY weird.
Monday, 13 July 2009
1. Gemma WON the race for life in Southampton. ACTUALLY WON IT!
2. Sarah passed her driving test. I will be taking advanytage of HER a lot. :D
3. Emily's penis is bigger than Will's, according to that 'look how far the gap is between your thumb and forefinger when you stretch them out' thing ^_^
4. Adam went on stealth. What a brave-y :D
Ooh, and Britannia High was SO crap, but the song 'Missing Person' is annoyingly addictive.
I can't be aaaaarsed to write anything else.
Fun day tomorrow...should be interestingg :D x
Saturday, 11 July 2009
They're telling me that my heart won't beat again. :S
It won't get out of my HEAD!
Anyways, I found out some things today.
1. APPARENTLY I HAVE A GOOFY LAUGH! I didn't think other people noticed. :(
2. I'm not xenophobic, but foreign people can be SO annoying. This woman, who sounded a bit Polish, had a go at me for having air conditioning in Superdrug. Ruins the planet, apparently. it's Scotts fault, apparently. That made me mad.
3. Old people are actually VERY VERY sweet. I can't wait until I'm in my 70s. It'll be FUN.
4. Stalkers don't stop stalking until you are actually DEAD. I've had three people (who I haven't seen/haven't WANTED to see for about 2 years) ring me up, saying that they want to meet up. Sweet, but SO SO SO annoying. Like, a Polish 70year old I guess :D
5. 'She's the man' is possibly the best movie EVER. Channing Tatum! <3
6. Media = too many essays
7. History = too much reading&gay-ness.
8. My phone = crap battery power.
9. Sisters boyfriends make good slaves. I havent cooked ANYTHING/cleaned anything. This is NICEEEEEE :D Maybe shes a prostitute, and he pays in CHORES, rather than money.
ew. my sister. ew.
That is all.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
I haven't blogged in a while.
But I don't mind.
Means I am too busy living my own life to tell everyone about it.
Means I CBA.
Life is normal.
Summer soon.
Might be starting to realise how much work the extended project will be :S
Spent my free after lunch watching Big Bang Theory on 40d with Dom. LOL.
Which may have sadly been the highlight of my day :S
The highlight of the day was....dum dum duuummm!
Slapping Fraser on the face :D
It's funny, Ed (Macbeth Ed) has been bullying me for WEEKS for me to slap him [he wanted to prove how weak i embarrasing] and i refused.
But Fraser made a 'you're a woman, you should stay in the kitchen' comment and i slapped him RIGHT on the cheek.
I've got the POWER!
Fair enough, it was a CRAP slap. and after the slap i was like 'omg im so sorry, il kiss it better!!'
but it was very refreshing.
I should slap people more often.
Hahaha :D
oh. and i have a free house this weeekend. Party, much? :D x
Saturday, 27 June 2009
'I am not allergic to Calvin Klein. CK is allergic to me!!'
and then the next day you feel AMAZING?
I had that today :)
i couldn't stop smiling, it was so sunny, and work was actually O.K.
the fact that it was mark rather than scott being the managerr kinda helpedd :D
except im not allowed to go to driftwood. lame.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Blast from the past.
One was Wash. On the bus. That was awkward.
One was Maul. At the bus stop. That was awkward.
One was Wophie. On the way to the bus (spot the link?) That was VERY awkward.
And it just really made me realise how I should have tried harder to stay in contact with them. They are all amazing friends with longggg stories. Wait, I'll just sum up. But you can guess who I'm talking about.
1. When I was in Brownies, I did this show called gangshow. This person was like one of my best friends there, I used to go round his house a lot but he was a bit creepy. I remember he liked to hold my hand whenever we watched a movie and it scared me. (It was about year 9. In year 9 i thought that holding hands with someone practically meant i was now carrying their baby.) I miss him.
2. In my english class, and went to Thornden, never really became good friends until year 11. Still talk on facebook. VERY SMALL AMOUNT THOUGH.
3. Year 11, apparently had a major crush on me, asked me for a slow dance at the prom, I said no, felt bad on the way home in the limo, TEXTED him to say sorry&that i should have just accepted the offer (its not like we would be getting married) bought me my first lottery ticket. finito.
Now I'm worried about uni. At the moment I'm panicking about stupid China and their Stupid revolutions and the stupid names and pronounciations of the names, but when I get to uni, I am SO SO SO SO worried I won't see my friends as much as I'd like to. I've made a nice bunch of friends at college, and I know that other than through facebook, it'll be hard to stay in contact with all of them. I need to just accept that, and if they ARE good mates, I'll make the effort to stay in contact, and hopefully they'll do the same.
It's weird that I'm panicking about this already...WE'VE GOT A YEAR LEFT!
But blog readers, PROMISE me you'll stay in contact and keep reading (all 3 of you??) XD
x x x x x x x x x <3>
'I like your shorts. 'I don't. They make me look like I have a penis.'
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Sun Sunny Day :)
I am INCREDIBLY happy :)
i was having a bit of a fuck-off day this morning, dont know why.
just woke up at felt pissed off.
had a MASSIVE go at my friend whos leading this guy on (she has a bf, he has a gf, he is a COMPLETE prick)
then when matt tripped over by the emo shop near the station, i felt amazing better :D
AND i saw my assistant manager at work, as well as the cosmetics advisor wearing blue glittery wigs and blue glittery hula skirts, to raise money for teenage cancer trust. IT CRACKED ME UP. :)
oh. my USB cable isn't working. no i am sad. it cost me a WHOLE £1.08!!
gah. hate my life.
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Tired. Forgot about history homework. Forgot about fathers day. I generally fail.

I have a sort of love-hate relationship with one of my friends at the moment.
I think ‘love-hate’ is the right phrase. Is that when you kinda love them, but hate them at the same time? Maybe it’s not a love-hate relationship. More like a love-dislike [occasionally] relationship. A love-but-often-get -annoyed-at relationship.
I-can-put-up-with-it-but-NO-I-CANNOT relationship.
Moving on. –presses fast forward on tape-
That is the sound of a tape fast forwarding. Maybe it’s more like
I don’t really remember. The last time I used a tape was when I liked recording myself singing the ‘Tellitubbies’ and the ‘Captain Scarlet’ theme tunes.
-Looks in diary-
..which was about last Friday. Haha.
I’m more of a ‘creative zen’ person at the moment. (I discovered in History that the smartboard speakers are made by ‘creative’ YES! Kinda got unnecessarily excited. Stupid windows media player, deleting names of artists when I did NOTHING to provoke such abuse. GAHHH (a common expletive first used by CATE SUZZANNAAAHHH LOOSEY HAIRYSON) I apologize in advance for any spelling errors in that name…
Yes. Anyways. Love-hate relationship…
The majority of the time she is LOVELY. When I’m alone with her we have so much fun [see below] and she’s been one of my friends for about as long as I can remember (I can’t really escape her at all, though!) She lives about 30millisecs away from me!
At Thornden, I used to walk to school with her, which was FINE, she was one of my besties, we’d always have something to say (although she was SO slow at getting ready, and is now!) YOUR HAIR/FACE/OUTFIT LOOKS AMAZING!
(-FF for the win. Mainly 11FF. Good times)
Anyways, she used to use me. A
And because I was [am?] such a pansy, I let it happen, so she’d do it more…
Hahah ‘She used to use me….she’d do it more’
Maybe I’m just weird, but I reread that and noticed a potentially DANGEROUS AREA. Maybe
I’m just sick-minded….nahhh!
But she used to make me walk with her to the canteen (I think I’ve mentioned this before) when I actually had other stuff to do, OTHER FRIENDS.
More recently, if I’ve been feeling ill or something, I’d still get off at a different stop with her so she can get fish and chips or cake or something, while I practically DIE and just want my Linkin Park Pyjammaaaaasssss!
The thing is, when we are alone, shes LOVELY. We have a laugh and I tell her everything (which is bad. I CANNOT TRUST HER WITH SECRETS. But somehow I still tell her =/ )
But as soon as her cooler/more blonde/more flirty/generally more Jack Wills-y friends turn up, it’s like I don’t exist. I have spent SO much time outside PW waiting for her (she phones me, texts me and persists me SO MUCH) so we can get the bus together, probably only wants me for her un-lonerness, but then she ditches me for the OMG-I-WANT-A-JOB-IN-HOLLISTER-I-THINK-I-MIGHT-SLEEP-WITH-THE-MANAGER people. Gah.
Life, eh?
Also, when I’m alone with her, if we’re not gossiping about her stalker, she’s actually quite sensible. We can have proper convos, kinda. Then in front of her new friends she bimbo-fies herself. I know about 7 other people who do that. IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCHH!
My sisters still accusing me of being fake. I AM TOO HAPPY APPARENTLY.
I admit I am pretty ‘OMG. I LOVE YOU. BABIES, PLEASE?’ which actually annoys MYSELF. So I need to cut it down. I think I’m proper repeating myself, because I swear I mentioned THIS in an earlier blog too, but I need to cut down on the ‘RAPE!’ and the ‘I WANT YOUR BABIES’
kinda stuff =I
Anyways, when I WAS on good terms with my friend the other day, we decided to play this game. It doesn’t have a name, but basically you name a food, and you have to turn it into someone’s name. Its actually REALLY fun (esp. after you’ve had an 8:30-4:35 day and you just want to SLEEP. Or, alternatively, be WEIRD!
I pwned her though ^__^ I am the CHAMPION of ‘THE GAME WITH NO NAME’
I came up with ‘PETE ZA’ (pizza)
SAM WIDGE (sandwich)
TOM ATO (obvious)
MEL ON (haha)
BAN ANA (someone called ‘Ban’ went to my secondary school!)
So yeah, you can tell how much we RAVE IT UP!
Anyways, my issue, for the WHOLE of my life (other than being a general pansy – see earlier blog) is that I can’t say no. I was known as a bit of a HIPPIE in secondary school, the peacemaker, trying to make everyone happy, mon.
-shakes head, causing dreadlocks to DAAANCE in a Bob Marley-type fashion-
So if someone asked me to do something, I would. I would very very very much regret it afterwards, but at least it didn’t create arguments J
Tom’s party last night. IT WAS FUN.
We didn’t get lost (We got a lift. But knowing my dad’s idea of a shortcut, we were more likely to get lost if we walked. Blindfolded. On our hands and knees. Haha)
Apart from the fact that the BBQ wouldn’t light (but I whooped Adam’s arse in match-lighting skills!) and the fact that my manager wasn’t too impressed with my purple hair [It wouldn’t wash of in the morning, so I just had a massive blob of purple on the back of my head….) it was a good night :D
Miffed that I couldn’t stay over... but I guess it means I missed out on the potential rapeage XD
Dancing to Flo Rida’s ‘Low’ was um…interesting…I’m sure someone took a video of it that’ll turn up on facebook sometime!!
And I didn’t walk well. Stella and Bacardi is not good. I’m annoyed because I promised myself I wouldn’t drink too much…But I haven’t been to a party for ages coz of exams so I guess I had to make the most of it :)
It was kinda funny/bad when Becky scraped her back on the wall and everyone was like ‘what do we do?’
-stands around and stares at the blood instead of helping-
That’s why someone needs to stay sober. BUT I DON’T WANT IT TO BE ME! Haha.
Ohh, and I think I’ve been converted into getting spotify XD
And I’m chuffed that I managed to figure out how my phone works without using my manual. FIRST TIME EVER!
However, I am NOT chuffed that I RAN up to the winch library instead of getting the bus, so my mate Sabrina could pick me up, and we could have a gossip, only to NOT EFFING TURN UP!
I rang her, texted her, and waited around for 25-30mins, and I literally just got a text saying ‘Oops. Forgot. Lol.’