I have a sort of love-hate relationship with one of my friends at the moment.
I think ‘love-hate’ is the right phrase. Is that when you kinda love them, but hate them at the same time? Maybe it’s not a love-hate relationship. More like a love-dislike [occasionally] relationship. A love-but-often-get -annoyed-at relationship.
I-can-put-up-with-it-but-NO-I-CANNOT relationship.
Moving on. –presses fast forward on tape-
That is the sound of a tape fast forwarding. Maybe it’s more like
I don’t really remember. The last time I used a tape was when I liked recording myself singing the ‘Tellitubbies’ and the ‘Captain Scarlet’ theme tunes.
-Looks in diary-
..which was about last Friday. Haha.
I’m more of a ‘creative zen’ person at the moment. (I discovered in History that the smartboard speakers are made by ‘creative’ YES! Kinda got unnecessarily excited. Stupid windows media player, deleting names of artists when I did NOTHING to provoke such abuse. GAHHH (a common expletive first used by CATE SUZZANNAAAHHH LOOSEY HAIRYSON) I apologize in advance for any spelling errors in that name…
Yes. Anyways. Love-hate relationship…
The majority of the time she is LOVELY. When I’m alone with her we have so much fun [see below] and she’s been one of my friends for about as long as I can remember (I can’t really escape her at all, though!) She lives about 30millisecs away from me!
At Thornden, I used to walk to school with her, which was FINE, she was one of my besties, we’d always have something to say (although she was SO slow at getting ready, and is now!) YOUR HAIR/FACE/OUTFIT LOOKS AMAZING!
(-FF for the win. Mainly 11FF. Good times)
Anyways, she used to use me. A
And because I was [am?] such a pansy, I let it happen, so she’d do it more…
Hahah ‘She used to use me….she’d do it more’
Maybe I’m just weird, but I reread that and noticed a potentially DANGEROUS AREA. Maybe
I’m just sick-minded….nahhh!
But she used to make me walk with her to the canteen (I think I’ve mentioned this before) when I actually had other stuff to do, OTHER FRIENDS.
More recently, if I’ve been feeling ill or something, I’d still get off at a different stop with her so she can get fish and chips or cake or something, while I practically DIE and just want my Linkin Park Pyjammaaaaasssss!
The thing is, when we are alone, shes LOVELY. We have a laugh and I tell her everything (which is bad. I CANNOT TRUST HER WITH SECRETS. But somehow I still tell her =/ )
But as soon as her cooler/more blonde/more flirty/generally more Jack Wills-y friends turn up, it’s like I don’t exist. I have spent SO much time outside PW waiting for her (she phones me, texts me and persists me SO MUCH) so we can get the bus together, probably only wants me for her un-lonerness, but then she ditches me for the OMG-I-WANT-A-JOB-IN-HOLLISTER-I-THINK-I-MIGHT-SLEEP-WITH-THE-MANAGER people. Gah.
Life, eh?
Also, when I’m alone with her, if we’re not gossiping about her stalker, she’s actually quite sensible. We can have proper convos, kinda. Then in front of her new friends she bimbo-fies herself. I know about 7 other people who do that. IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCHH!
My sisters still accusing me of being fake. I AM TOO HAPPY APPARENTLY.
I admit I am pretty ‘OMG. I LOVE YOU. BABIES, PLEASE?’ which actually annoys MYSELF. So I need to cut it down. I think I’m proper repeating myself, because I swear I mentioned THIS in an earlier blog too, but I need to cut down on the ‘RAPE!’ and the ‘I WANT YOUR BABIES’
kinda stuff =I
Anyways, when I WAS on good terms with my friend the other day, we decided to play this game. It doesn’t have a name, but basically you name a food, and you have to turn it into someone’s name. Its actually REALLY fun (esp. after you’ve had an 8:30-4:35 day and you just want to SLEEP. Or, alternatively, be WEIRD!
I pwned her though ^__^ I am the CHAMPION of ‘THE GAME WITH NO NAME’
I came up with ‘PETE ZA’ (pizza)
SAM WIDGE (sandwich)
TOM ATO (obvious)
MEL ON (haha)
BAN ANA (someone called ‘Ban’ went to my secondary school!)
So yeah, you can tell how much we RAVE IT UP!
Anyways, my issue, for the WHOLE of my life (other than being a general pansy – see earlier blog) is that I can’t say no. I was known as a bit of a HIPPIE in secondary school, the peacemaker, trying to make everyone happy, mon.
-shakes head, causing dreadlocks to DAAANCE in a Bob Marley-type fashion-
So if someone asked me to do something, I would. I would very very very much regret it afterwards, but at least it didn’t create arguments J
Tom’s party last night. IT WAS FUN.
We didn’t get lost (We got a lift. But knowing my dad’s idea of a shortcut, we were more likely to get lost if we walked. Blindfolded. On our hands and knees. Haha)
Apart from the fact that the BBQ wouldn’t light (but I whooped Adam’s arse in match-lighting skills!) and the fact that my manager wasn’t too impressed with my purple hair [It wouldn’t wash of in the morning, so I just had a massive blob of purple on the back of my head….) it was a good night :D
Miffed that I couldn’t stay over... but I guess it means I missed out on the potential rapeage XD
Dancing to Flo Rida’s ‘Low’ was um…interesting…I’m sure someone took a video of it that’ll turn up on facebook sometime!!
And I didn’t walk well. Stella and Bacardi is not good. I’m annoyed because I promised myself I wouldn’t drink too much…But I haven’t been to a party for ages coz of exams so I guess I had to make the most of it :)
It was kinda funny/bad when Becky scraped her back on the wall and everyone was like ‘what do we do?’
-stands around and stares at the blood instead of helping-
That’s why someone needs to stay sober. BUT I DON’T WANT IT TO BE ME! Haha.
Ohh, and I think I’ve been converted into getting spotify XD
And I’m chuffed that I managed to figure out how my phone works without using my manual. FIRST TIME EVER!
However, I am NOT chuffed that I RAN up to the winch library instead of getting the bus, so my mate Sabrina could pick me up, and we could have a gossip, only to NOT EFFING TURN UP!
I rang her, texted her, and waited around for 25-30mins, and I literally just got a text saying ‘Oops. Forgot. Lol.’
1 comment:
Wow! Rant! Lol. I think this is you biggest blog...ever? :P
I kinda understand your position with your friend. Can't advise though =/
Or am i completely oblivious at work xP...
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