1. Chris Pine is in it. Need I say more?
2. Simon Pegg is in it and he is scottish. Need I say more? (x a billion)
3. J.J. Abrams directed it. I think. He made 'MI:3', Cloverfield, and 'The Office'. LEGEND.
4. The film is not as geeky as I thought it would be. Action, Comedy and minor minor MINOR sexual references. (as in kissing, and a bit of bed-lovin’ ; it IS rated 12A!) and I wasn't in Vue surrounded by people dressed up as the characters. That would have scared me.
5. I have never seen the previous movies/episodes. Which means I have nothing to compare it to, which means I can't complain about continuity/mistakes. :)
6. The plot is actually really good. Its KIND of slow from the start, but its one of those films that I wish never ended. Like 'Twilight' and 'Finding Nemo'
7. I didn't get confused at all. I thought it would be all klingon-y [I almost mentioned Light Sabers...I GET SO CONFUSED BETWEEN '-Trek' and '-Wars!'] and nerdy, but it was really easy to follow. (UNLIKE THORNDEN'S VERSION OF 'LES MIS!' JEEZ!)
8. 'The Times' gave it 4 stars. In a nerdy way, 'The Times' is kind of my bible (because I really want to be a journalist) so I accept everything they say :)
9. After watching 'Ghosts of Girlfriends Past' with some Superdrug kids (+ an additional boyfriend of a Superdrug kid) and experiencing how terrible 2009 films can be, I had lost faith. I had lost faith in Vue Cinema. In fact, I had lost faith in ALL MOVIES, ever! It was a nice relief from it :)
10. Adam looks like Spock. And I LOVE it :D
However, one of the characters in the film has THE most annoying voice in the world.
Oh. I just IMDB'd him, apparently he's from Leningrad, Russia!
How ironic. Had my history exam today :) went ok :)
Over and out.
and i agree with all your points as well simon pegg was brill as scotty. I aint seen any of the episodes and im a star WARS geek. But it was great fun
AND SPOCK IS AMAZING!!! *serect fan girl spock/actor crush*
haha i kind of have the same crush :P spock was REAL cute as a kid ^__^ i just wish he wasn't bullied, it was mean =I
is it weird that i keep watching the trailer for it on youtube, just so i can see spock say 'i will not allow you to lecture me' with his beautiful face. IT'S SO WEIRD! I'M NOT NORMALLY INTO WEIRD EYEBROWS AND POINTY EARS!!
I didn't like Spock.
I thought he was gonna go all Sylar from Heroes and kill everoyne and eat their...
Wait...Same actor. MY BAD XP
Who's chris pine?
They fill you with conservative jibberjabber (And media manipulation)!
Read Take a Break!
That's News you really can't believe!!!
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