Sunday, 7 June 2009

‘It’s summer when people are holding portable fans, instead of umbrellas.’

I embarrassed myself at work yesterday. There’s a new guy-cologne called ‘Diesel’ and I had to try and sell as many as I could. But Scott was like ‘sell as many diesel’s as you can, it’s product of the month at the moment.’ I replied ‘WE SELL PETROL?’

I am a plank.

On the bus on the way home after work about 20 scouts invaded the top level, playing ‘Ugly girl’ and ‘Crazy Frog’ about a million times. Only Frampy saved me from insanity.

Supposed to be revising for history exam tomorrow but I am FED UP with it. Gah.

Joey’s got ANOTHER eye infection. Gah.

Life. Gah.


Anonymous said...

You realise you're turning into Andrew with all this Gah-ing don't you? :P

Don't worry, history will soon be over, at least, that's what I have to keep telling myself... *sighs*

JenterShikari said...

haha, actually I think i got the 'gah'-ing off katy i think :) a while ago! XD

good luck with your exam :)

EJ said...

Awww jenny hada blonde moment

though to be honest that is something i would of done as well

GAH! its rubbing off on me now too XD

KatyDots said...

I am the original Gah-er
you're just a bunch of thieves (: including mr willbourn...
haha the verification is audgies
that sounds like orgies
yeah, im gunna go now... (: