Saturday, 6 June 2009

I'm sorry, but this blog post will NEVER EVER beat my last post 8P

In Winchester the other day, after my media exam, there were CRAZY people in the high street. Not really crazy, more kind of ‘WTF?’

At the top of the high street there was this girl, quite scene-kid girl, holding up a sign that said ‘NICOLE’ I was like, fair enough…they do that at airports sometimes…holding up signs with names on so they know where to go if they’ve never met you before…

But then this other girl was holding up a sign saying ‘WANTS’ and I was like. THEY ARE LINKED IN SOME WAY. Is this a TRAP?

Then a guy was holding up a sign saying ‘HUG’ and another girl slightly further down was holding up a sign saying ‘THIS IS NICOLE’ with an arrow pointing at this other scene kid. I DID hug her, luckily I was only with my friend Alice so I wasn’t a COMPLETE retardation. Then as I stepped back I realised there was ANOTHER scene kid holding up a camera in my face.


Either Youtube, or ‘You’ve been framed.’

I didn’t even ask her what it was about. Boredom? Maybe a PORNO!

Jeez, I’ve been scammed.

And I met someone at college a few days ago who pronounced ‘quiche’ like the word ‘squish’, without the ‘S’. I don’t know whether they were being silly, but it made me chuckle :)

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