Saturday, 27 June 2009
'I am not allergic to Calvin Klein. CK is allergic to me!!'
and then the next day you feel AMAZING?
I had that today :)
i couldn't stop smiling, it was so sunny, and work was actually O.K.
the fact that it was mark rather than scott being the managerr kinda helpedd :D
except im not allowed to go to driftwood. lame.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Blast from the past.
One was Wash. On the bus. That was awkward.
One was Maul. At the bus stop. That was awkward.
One was Wophie. On the way to the bus (spot the link?) That was VERY awkward.
And it just really made me realise how I should have tried harder to stay in contact with them. They are all amazing friends with longggg stories. Wait, I'll just sum up. But you can guess who I'm talking about.
1. When I was in Brownies, I did this show called gangshow. This person was like one of my best friends there, I used to go round his house a lot but he was a bit creepy. I remember he liked to hold my hand whenever we watched a movie and it scared me. (It was about year 9. In year 9 i thought that holding hands with someone practically meant i was now carrying their baby.) I miss him.
2. In my english class, and went to Thornden, never really became good friends until year 11. Still talk on facebook. VERY SMALL AMOUNT THOUGH.
3. Year 11, apparently had a major crush on me, asked me for a slow dance at the prom, I said no, felt bad on the way home in the limo, TEXTED him to say sorry&that i should have just accepted the offer (its not like we would be getting married) bought me my first lottery ticket. finito.
Now I'm worried about uni. At the moment I'm panicking about stupid China and their Stupid revolutions and the stupid names and pronounciations of the names, but when I get to uni, I am SO SO SO SO worried I won't see my friends as much as I'd like to. I've made a nice bunch of friends at college, and I know that other than through facebook, it'll be hard to stay in contact with all of them. I need to just accept that, and if they ARE good mates, I'll make the effort to stay in contact, and hopefully they'll do the same.
It's weird that I'm panicking about this already...WE'VE GOT A YEAR LEFT!
But blog readers, PROMISE me you'll stay in contact and keep reading (all 3 of you??) XD
x x x x x x x x x <3>
'I like your shorts. 'I don't. They make me look like I have a penis.'
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Sun Sunny Day :)
I am INCREDIBLY happy :)
i was having a bit of a fuck-off day this morning, dont know why.
just woke up at felt pissed off.
had a MASSIVE go at my friend whos leading this guy on (she has a bf, he has a gf, he is a COMPLETE prick)
then when matt tripped over by the emo shop near the station, i felt amazing better :D
AND i saw my assistant manager at work, as well as the cosmetics advisor wearing blue glittery wigs and blue glittery hula skirts, to raise money for teenage cancer trust. IT CRACKED ME UP. :)
oh. my USB cable isn't working. no i am sad. it cost me a WHOLE £1.08!!
gah. hate my life.
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Tired. Forgot about history homework. Forgot about fathers day. I generally fail.

I have a sort of love-hate relationship with one of my friends at the moment.
I think ‘love-hate’ is the right phrase. Is that when you kinda love them, but hate them at the same time? Maybe it’s not a love-hate relationship. More like a love-dislike [occasionally] relationship. A love-but-often-get -annoyed-at relationship.
I-can-put-up-with-it-but-NO-I-CANNOT relationship.
Moving on. –presses fast forward on tape-
That is the sound of a tape fast forwarding. Maybe it’s more like
I don’t really remember. The last time I used a tape was when I liked recording myself singing the ‘Tellitubbies’ and the ‘Captain Scarlet’ theme tunes.
-Looks in diary-
..which was about last Friday. Haha.
I’m more of a ‘creative zen’ person at the moment. (I discovered in History that the smartboard speakers are made by ‘creative’ YES! Kinda got unnecessarily excited. Stupid windows media player, deleting names of artists when I did NOTHING to provoke such abuse. GAHHH (a common expletive first used by CATE SUZZANNAAAHHH LOOSEY HAIRYSON) I apologize in advance for any spelling errors in that name…
Yes. Anyways. Love-hate relationship…
The majority of the time she is LOVELY. When I’m alone with her we have so much fun [see below] and she’s been one of my friends for about as long as I can remember (I can’t really escape her at all, though!) She lives about 30millisecs away from me!
At Thornden, I used to walk to school with her, which was FINE, she was one of my besties, we’d always have something to say (although she was SO slow at getting ready, and is now!) YOUR HAIR/FACE/OUTFIT LOOKS AMAZING!
(-FF for the win. Mainly 11FF. Good times)
Anyways, she used to use me. A
And because I was [am?] such a pansy, I let it happen, so she’d do it more…
Hahah ‘She used to use me….she’d do it more’
Maybe I’m just weird, but I reread that and noticed a potentially DANGEROUS AREA. Maybe
I’m just sick-minded….nahhh!
But she used to make me walk with her to the canteen (I think I’ve mentioned this before) when I actually had other stuff to do, OTHER FRIENDS.
More recently, if I’ve been feeling ill or something, I’d still get off at a different stop with her so she can get fish and chips or cake or something, while I practically DIE and just want my Linkin Park Pyjammaaaaasssss!
The thing is, when we are alone, shes LOVELY. We have a laugh and I tell her everything (which is bad. I CANNOT TRUST HER WITH SECRETS. But somehow I still tell her =/ )
But as soon as her cooler/more blonde/more flirty/generally more Jack Wills-y friends turn up, it’s like I don’t exist. I have spent SO much time outside PW waiting for her (she phones me, texts me and persists me SO MUCH) so we can get the bus together, probably only wants me for her un-lonerness, but then she ditches me for the OMG-I-WANT-A-JOB-IN-HOLLISTER-I-THINK-I-MIGHT-SLEEP-WITH-THE-MANAGER people. Gah.
Life, eh?
Also, when I’m alone with her, if we’re not gossiping about her stalker, she’s actually quite sensible. We can have proper convos, kinda. Then in front of her new friends she bimbo-fies herself. I know about 7 other people who do that. IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCHH!
My sisters still accusing me of being fake. I AM TOO HAPPY APPARENTLY.
I admit I am pretty ‘OMG. I LOVE YOU. BABIES, PLEASE?’ which actually annoys MYSELF. So I need to cut it down. I think I’m proper repeating myself, because I swear I mentioned THIS in an earlier blog too, but I need to cut down on the ‘RAPE!’ and the ‘I WANT YOUR BABIES’
kinda stuff =I
Anyways, when I WAS on good terms with my friend the other day, we decided to play this game. It doesn’t have a name, but basically you name a food, and you have to turn it into someone’s name. Its actually REALLY fun (esp. after you’ve had an 8:30-4:35 day and you just want to SLEEP. Or, alternatively, be WEIRD!
I pwned her though ^__^ I am the CHAMPION of ‘THE GAME WITH NO NAME’
I came up with ‘PETE ZA’ (pizza)
SAM WIDGE (sandwich)
TOM ATO (obvious)
MEL ON (haha)
BAN ANA (someone called ‘Ban’ went to my secondary school!)
So yeah, you can tell how much we RAVE IT UP!
Anyways, my issue, for the WHOLE of my life (other than being a general pansy – see earlier blog) is that I can’t say no. I was known as a bit of a HIPPIE in secondary school, the peacemaker, trying to make everyone happy, mon.
-shakes head, causing dreadlocks to DAAANCE in a Bob Marley-type fashion-
So if someone asked me to do something, I would. I would very very very much regret it afterwards, but at least it didn’t create arguments J
Tom’s party last night. IT WAS FUN.
We didn’t get lost (We got a lift. But knowing my dad’s idea of a shortcut, we were more likely to get lost if we walked. Blindfolded. On our hands and knees. Haha)
Apart from the fact that the BBQ wouldn’t light (but I whooped Adam’s arse in match-lighting skills!) and the fact that my manager wasn’t too impressed with my purple hair [It wouldn’t wash of in the morning, so I just had a massive blob of purple on the back of my head….) it was a good night :D
Miffed that I couldn’t stay over... but I guess it means I missed out on the potential rapeage XD
Dancing to Flo Rida’s ‘Low’ was um…interesting…I’m sure someone took a video of it that’ll turn up on facebook sometime!!
And I didn’t walk well. Stella and Bacardi is not good. I’m annoyed because I promised myself I wouldn’t drink too much…But I haven’t been to a party for ages coz of exams so I guess I had to make the most of it :)
It was kinda funny/bad when Becky scraped her back on the wall and everyone was like ‘what do we do?’
-stands around and stares at the blood instead of helping-
That’s why someone needs to stay sober. BUT I DON’T WANT IT TO BE ME! Haha.
Ohh, and I think I’ve been converted into getting spotify XD
And I’m chuffed that I managed to figure out how my phone works without using my manual. FIRST TIME EVER!
However, I am NOT chuffed that I RAN up to the winch library instead of getting the bus, so my mate Sabrina could pick me up, and we could have a gossip, only to NOT EFFING TURN UP!
I rang her, texted her, and waited around for 25-30mins, and I literally just got a text saying ‘Oops. Forgot. Lol.’
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
New Facebook Status : Jennie Whittington is . . too lazy tp write a proper blog. :)
'New Divide'
<3 <3 <3
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
‘I’m not Michael Jackson. Which is a shame…’
I used to walk my friend to the canteen for no reason other than to stop her from looking like a ‘loner’. I did this until she actually made me walk to the other side of the field with her. That’s when I realised that I was a pansy, and she was insecure.
At the driftwood gig the other day, my friend kept saying stuff about how creepy the singers were/how much LESBIAN-ish they were. Then she was like ‘This music is lame. Let’s go outside. I need signal.’ I was happily enjoying the music and hanging out with some buddies, yet I seemed to drop everything and walk out with her, just so I could prevent her from being RAPED like, 5 secs away from the venue. Which was unlikely. And another thing, she kept asking me to stop taking photos because it was embarrassing. I did.
That’s just a FEW examples. Thinking about it, I think I do a least one push-over thing a day, maybe seventeen.
But yesterday was RIDICULOUS.
I was in town with Lizzie, James C & James F, and this random woman came up to us and asked for 50p.I didn’t think twice and just handed it over, like a complete gullible goon, not realising until she had walked away that she was probably going to buy drugs. It’s like direct-busking, I guess – approaching people and THEN buying drugs. I felt like an Idiot, and James C didn’t help. He instead pointed out that because I was carrying a ‘carphone warehouse’ bag, listening to a zen and carrying my peter Symonds gift bag from the evensong (haha) I was cleary ‘loaded’ and therefore a victim. Apparently my ‘crew clothing’ top and generally baby-like face contributed to the innocent, epitome of idiocy. If that makes sense. I could have used that 50p towards a varley cookie :(
I don’t really know WHY I’m like that. I seem to be unable to stick up for myself, and do what I want to do. Instead, I let people bully me out of revising/going to the gym etc so they can have some company. And NOT BE A LONER.
I need to sort out this issue. A lot of my friends have pointed out how I need to stick up for myself more. If I was a man, I wouldn’t have balls. I would be infertile. No baby-making for me :'(
Note to self: SORT OUT LIFE.
Monday, 8 June 2009
Surviving Feminist Of The Technical Mannequin
In my media exam last week, one of the questions was about the representation of gender in the media, and in particular, females. We’ve done SO MUCH stuff about gender representation in media, women’s protests in history and women’s social inequality in sociology. So this whole exam was a massive rant about how women are represented in the media as ‘sex objects’ and ‘passive characters,’ and how perverted young men oogle at images of semi-naked women on the front of Nuts magazine etc, and how the economic divide between men and women is reinforced in the media but their character status.
Blah blah blah.
But reading through the essay I realised how much of a feminist I am. In terms of genders I have some really strong opinions. I mean, at house parties I’ve come to find that it’s always the girls who get drunk first, and therefore taken advantage of. The guys seem a lot more open about their sexuality and apparent promiscuity. It’s the girls who are more likely (according to some research in Socio.) to judge their male friends/boyfriends by their personality, whereas boys are more likely to judge by appearance. We found some research in socio that says that in a survey, 28% of guys would date someone they saw as ‘ugly but friendly’, compared to 47% of girls.
The question in the exam was something like ‘Explain, using your own detailed examples, the representation of females in the media today.’ My essay was a massive opinionated piece about objectification and the ‘male gaze,’ and the glamourisation of teenage girls in American dramas.
Now at Symonds, a lot of people of both genders seem to be faced with pressure to look fashionable/ whatever, but the majority of the girls I know at Symonds see themselves as fat, ugly and/or have issues with self-confidence. One of my friends at work is having a beach party for his birthday next weekend, and I know someone who didn’t want to go because they were too self-conscious to be seen in her bikini/one-piece. It seems that image IS a bit part of the 21st f_cking Century at the moment. I’m not going to be hypocritical and say this is BAD and WRONG. I’ve had my own experiences with this. I just miss the times when the biggest issue in the world was whether or not Busted were breaking up.
There was this documentary on channel 4 the other day about plastic surgery, I only watched about 5 mins of it because it was INCREDIBLY graphic. But there was this 17year old aspiring glamour model who didn’t know what the word ‘recession’ meant, but she seemed to understand EVERY WORD found on, and every single abbreviated text language thing ever created. Same applies to ‘Ladette to Lady’ which we watched in media. Annoying naïve tards.
Don’t know what that means?
Neither do I :S
I made it up ^_^
Anyways I found this shocking. I know that thousands of teenagers are becoming anorexic/bulimic because they want to be Kate Moss, and I’ve always had insecurities due to the way that my own mum would guilt-trip me whenever I would have a nutella sandwich, while my brother who happens to be the sportiest person in the world can eat a BILLION nutella sarnies (if he liked them!) and still be a stick. I won’t go into that, or I’ll start another 500 word rant.
Society sucks sometimes.
P.S for the title of this blog I gave up being imaginative and instead used 'bandname generator' and typed in feminist as the keyword. and THATS what it came up with....i want to find a band called that now.. :S
Sunday, 7 June 2009
‘It’s summer when people are holding portable fans, instead of umbrellas.’
I am a plank.
On the bus on the way home after work about 20 scouts invaded the top level, playing ‘Ugly girl’ and ‘Crazy Frog’ about a million times. Only Frampy saved me from insanity.
Supposed to be revising for history exam tomorrow but I am FED UP with it. Gah.
Joey’s got ANOTHER eye infection. Gah.
Life. Gah.
Saturday, 6 June 2009
I'm sorry, but this blog post will NEVER EVER beat my last post 8P
At the top of the high street there was this girl, quite scene-kid girl, holding up a sign that said ‘NICOLE’ I was like, fair enough…they do that at airports sometimes…holding up signs with names on so they know where to go if they’ve never met you before…
But then this other girl was holding up a sign saying ‘WANTS’ and I was like. THEY ARE LINKED IN SOME WAY. Is this a TRAP?
Then a guy was holding up a sign saying ‘HUG’ and another girl slightly further down was holding up a sign saying ‘THIS IS NICOLE’ with an arrow pointing at this other scene kid. I DID hug her, luckily I was only with my friend Alice so I wasn’t a COMPLETE retardation. Then as I stepped back I realised there was ANOTHER scene kid holding up a camera in my face.
Either Youtube, or ‘You’ve been framed.’
I didn’t even ask her what it was about. Boredom? Maybe a PORNO!
Jeez, I’ve been scammed.
And I met someone at college a few days ago who pronounced ‘quiche’ like the word ‘squish’, without the ‘S’. I don’t know whether they were being silly, but it made me chuckle :)
Friday, 5 June 2009
For your OOGLING pleasure.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

I hate MSN. and facebook. and myspace. and bebo.
Nahh, 'hate' is too strong.
But when I did my english exam a few weeks ago, it was like I had ignored EVERYTHING my primary and secondary school teachers had said about spelling and punctuation, and instead wrote in text language. I was reading through my answers at the end of the exam and I kept abbreviating everything, missed out capital letters and full stops, and wrote symbols (like @ and +) instead of words.
I blame myself. And a few people who bullied me into getting MSN.
I didn't actually get MSN until year 10/11 I think, while everyone else had it in year 7/8. But then Haz wrote a poll on her bebo saying 'Should Jen get MSN?'
The majority said yes. A few people, like Badminton Mike and my sister, said no. How right they were. I feel kinda anti-social, but MSN is such an amazing way to quickly contact people for free, and to get an instant response.
But I have had so many issues with it too (inc. the whole not-spelling-right thing)
And I'm sure everyone's had the same kind of issues.
-Writing messages about someone, and accidently sending it to that person? normally very embarrasing 'i want his babies!' sort of things.
-or having the same happen to you. normally bitchy.
-going a bit OTT and saying stuff you would NEVER EVER say to their face, even if you did have the guts!
-pouring your heart out to people who couldn't give a damn.
-or the worst, getting dumped. Prick.
If I am friends with someone, I judge that relationship by how much I talk to them face-to-face, how much I enjoy that time, how much I see them outside college, and how much I am able to tell them my secrets/say weird things to them without being inappropriate or without having them think I have special needs.
And then I have my 'cyber' friends. Friends and relatives I never see because we live too far away, or have different hobbies outside school.
But in some ways, MSN does really develop relationships, and make friendships stronger. You can be honest to people if you would normally be to shy to tell them face-to-face. Sure, I've been DUMPED over msn, but I've been asked out over MSN too. It seemed a bit of a cop-out to start with but it was the nest relationship ever.
It's just, the BAD things about MSN seem to counter the good. It distracts me from revision, it keeps me indoors when the weather is nice, it makes my eyes funny and gives me headaches if I'm online for more than an hour.
To conclude...
I don't really know what my judgement is about MSN. Sure, you can lash out at someone over MSN if you can't brave a proper confrontation. You can crush feelings by 'blocking' someone, or annoy by 'nudging' ALL THE TIME. (Tom. W!)
But you can also send emoticons, which can be SO annoying if you use them all the time, but can also convey how you really feel. It's good for shy people I guess. I've met a few people at college who are SILENT when I see them in lessons, but online it's like there are no embarrasments and limitations, and you can say whateveryou feel like (as long as you send it to the right person!)
I big up the MSN-ers who type normally, like 'Hello Jennifer, how're you today?' rather than 'YO J, sup?'
The latter is pretty much what the whole of my english exam looked like. If I hadn't looked through and changed it, I would be SCREWED.
:) off to see gemma now :) i miss herrr!!
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
10 Reasons why the Star Trek movie is amazing.

1. Chris Pine is in it. Need I say more?
2. Simon Pegg is in it and he is scottish. Need I say more? (x a billion)
3. J.J. Abrams directed it. I think. He made 'MI:3', Cloverfield, and 'The Office'. LEGEND.
4. The film is not as geeky as I thought it would be. Action, Comedy and minor minor MINOR sexual references. (as in kissing, and a bit of bed-lovin’ ; it IS rated 12A!) and I wasn't in Vue surrounded by people dressed up as the characters. That would have scared me.
5. I have never seen the previous movies/episodes. Which means I have nothing to compare it to, which means I can't complain about continuity/mistakes. :)
6. The plot is actually really good. Its KIND of slow from the start, but its one of those films that I wish never ended. Like 'Twilight' and 'Finding Nemo'
7. I didn't get confused at all. I thought it would be all klingon-y [I almost mentioned Light Sabers...I GET SO CONFUSED BETWEEN '-Trek' and '-Wars!'] and nerdy, but it was really easy to follow. (UNLIKE THORNDEN'S VERSION OF 'LES MIS!' JEEZ!)
8. 'The Times' gave it 4 stars. In a nerdy way, 'The Times' is kind of my bible (because I really want to be a journalist) so I accept everything they say :)
9. After watching 'Ghosts of Girlfriends Past' with some Superdrug kids (+ an additional boyfriend of a Superdrug kid) and experiencing how terrible 2009 films can be, I had lost faith. I had lost faith in Vue Cinema. In fact, I had lost faith in ALL MOVIES, ever! It was a nice relief from it :)
10. Adam looks like Spock. And I LOVE it :D
However, one of the characters in the film has THE most annoying voice in the world.
Oh. I just IMDB'd him, apparently he's from Leningrad, Russia!
How ironic. Had my history exam today :) went ok :)
Over and out.
Monday, 1 June 2009
The Hoosiers - Worried about MEG?
The Schadebergs, they used to live round the corner from us.
Wolf&Ceri, and their kids Eluned, Bronwen and Megan (stunning names!)
Basically, when we used to visit them in Chandlers Ford, I'd help them make cakes (they were 6, 8 and 10 years old at this point) and play with barbies whatever, and it was awesome, because they are SO cute.
But when we visited them in Talog, Wales, I was SO worried about Meg (12 now, same age as my brother!)
Bronwen and Eluned love it there. They own a farm, in the middle of nowhere, with 60 acres and the most gorgeous kittens in the world :] and alpacas :D
But when Meg was showing us around, while E&B were attacking us with water pistols, I started asking her about how school was, and life in general.
I really wanted to kidnap her and bring her back home, so she can see all her old friends and go to Thornden like she wanted to. Instead shes at this school which is a 30min drive away from her house, wearing icky uniform, and being one of the few people there who isn't welsh.
Which is fine, kind of.
But then she started going on about how she would get teased, apparently because she was English as well as the fact that she was sporty. At Thornden, we would IDOLISE the sporty people and admire them, while we would sit on our arses and talk about Friends or Scrubs or something!!
Also, apparently she got bullied for pronouncing Primark like 'PRY-MARK' (which is how its actually said!) rather than 'PREE-MARK' (which is how silly welshians say it!)
And she's quite shy, which makes her more vulnerable. She is the LOVELIEST pre-teen that I know in the world, she was showing us around and helping us when she fell in the mud, and offering us drinks and stuff (my brother could take some advice from her host-wise!)
So it made me sad, that she wasn't happy at school. She missed all her friends, she missed Chandlers Ford, the rec. Everything I actually take for granted. But thinking about it, if my parents wanted to move house right now, I would refuse. Chandlers Ford can be SO SO boring sometimes, but its home. -sigh-
Another thing was her mum. I love Ceri SO SO much, shes lovely. But she actually bullies her daughter =I I asked Meg whether she liked swimming 6 times a week. She was like 'sometimes..; and her mum piped in 'You will be in 2012, and I am giving you this opportunity which I didn't have. You love it really' Which scared me. It was like she was a pushy mum, and Meg was a trophy kid =I
I've never had issues with my parents like that. I mean, they are always urging me to do more revision, or (esp my mum) lose a few pounds :S but they have never FORCED me to do anything. And if they did I would just refuse. I don't think Meg would be able to. If my parents reckon I should start up a new sport, I would try some out. I tried Swimming, found it too competitive. I tried Hockey, it wasn't my thing. I tried Tennis, I just plain SUCKED. But then I tried Netball, Basketball and later Badminton, and I loved them! (Even though I still sucked!)
But I can ditch them of I want. Sometimes I DO wish my parents were more pushy, then I would actually get off my fat arse and REVISE FOR THE HISTORY EXAM 2MZ rather than updating my blog and watching Scrubs :P
I've never really had a major issue with bullying either. I used to get picked on at Hiltingbury because I was a bit tomboy-ish, and I liked flashing my knickers at everyone (esp Ryan Osman, for some reason. He was my first loverr!!) and at Thornden I was still into Busted and BEPs while everyone had focused on sex or NAUGHTY things. Like BOYFRIENDS :O and in year 8 I got cacked my Maz. I still hate her. I've had a few tiffs with people, all the same.
But I have a stream of mates I've had since primary school. They are my bodyguards :D So I've never been too down about it. So it really upset me that someone as LOVELY as Meg would get bullied. I guess she acts differently at school, when she doesn't know anybody. I can be real shy around people I don't know, unless I've had some Malibu or Strongbow :P
ANYWAY. I should revise. gah.
Sorry about this rant, I'm just a bit meh about everything, esp Meg.