Monday 9 November 2009

Superdrug Bitch.

I was so annoyed at work on saturday.

While I was covering Liz on cosmetics, I asked this woman if she needed any assistance (which I thought was pretty polite...I normally just talk to Chloe or fiddle with mascara...

Her: Do you have any face packs?
Me: Do you mean face masks? We have plenty...
Her: NO, not face masks, face PACKS. To cover blemishes.
Me: Foundation, do you mean?
Her: no.
Me: Concealer? I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean...
Her: Well I think you need a briefing, you clearly have no idea what you are doing. You need some training.

Now, because Liz is the main cosmetics advisor on Saturdays, I don't actually know A LOT about make-up. Obviously this woman wouldn't know this, but no need to get your knickers in a twistttt. Knickers in a twist. KNICKERS IN A TWIST. (its a song from Greenbelt, haha!)

I got pissed off at this woman. Fucking menopause.

P.S I just google'd face packs. THEY ARE THE SAME AS FACE MASKS. Jeeez.


Anonymous said...

I'm playing knickers in a twist now, to make you feel all better!

IchiNiiSan said...

I don't think anyone would have known if it makes you feel better. I would of just said "I'm not too sure if we do have any, let me check with one of my colleagues!"

JenterShikari said...

I asked Chloe, and she said face masks :(