Thursday 23 April 2009

'I kissed a MAN'

Funniest thing ever today.

I was walking past the construction site at the bottom of the hill by Symonds, and one of the builders was singing ‘I kissed a girl’ by Katy Perry – (but HE was singing ‘I kissed a MAN!’) Me and Sophie started cracking up, until he started walking towards us saying ‘Come here little girl. I’ll show you some MAN-LOVE. I’ll kiss this guy.’
And we all ran off laughing. That was fun.

I am still confused.

N.B I was just proof-reading my blog, and the whole story sounds a bit UNLIKELY.
but im serious. he said that. i was tempted to be like 'go for it, if you think you're man enough.' but im small. he had BIG muscles. i didnt really want to offend him in any way..

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