Sunday 1 February 2009


I said I'd updated this blasted blog every day..
I never have time..
and if I do have time, I never have anything interesting to say.

Today is the 1st Feb.

And I've been pinched and punched by about 10 separate people..

Tomorrow will be fun, recovering from BRUISES, damn you guys XD

'Flick and a Kick for doing it too quick'

'A whack and a smack for giving it back'

'Errm, DAMMIT.'

1st february.

This month means I can have my cash card back (my mum nicked it during jan. coz i spent too much money, I basically DIED in january!) and my ban from nutella is on hiatus :D

its addicitve, I swear its got some nicotine in it SOMEWHERE...

Did anyone watch eurovision last night?

I was babysitting (for the third time in 3 days..) my mates 9 yr old sister and she wanted to watch it.


Tbh, I reckon I could do better in the Eurovision than some of these people...SERIOUSLY.

and I REALLY cannot sing. Well, I might be able to. If SOMEONE hadn't shattered my singing-confidence-ness, in year 9. haha.

Its real sad. I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE singing and acting and dancing (badly) in all these cheesy shows and stuff, and then for some reason, one of my mates disses my voice (I HAVE AN EXCUSE! I HAD SEMI-TONSILITIS!) and i havent sung (in public) since then. Fair enough, I sing in the shower still *cringe* and when i am ALONE, especially 'Adieu' by Enter Shikari. God, I LOVE that song. But I NEVER EVER sing in front of people. Except when we play singstar. Thats the only time you will hear me sing. And when I beat Helen&Jess at singing, when we had the anti-paris party? That was probably the proudest moment of my life. HOW SAD.


Oh, I've seen some FUNNY things this past week. Well, I found them funny. Maybe because I was high on STRAWBERRY DREAMSS <3

First up, this old teacher from Hiltingbury was on her hands-free thing, when I was heading back from work last night. And it looked like she was talking to herself, so I went up to her and was like 'Alright, McAllister? Remember me from YrR?' and she turned around and started swearing into her little hands-free thing. I felt SO bad, I used to LOVE her when she was my teacher :D

I've fallen in love with the Sainsburys security guard. He's so tiny and weedy, and I could never imagine him cathing/killing (lol) ANYONE. But when I got my lunch yesterday and the doors beeped when I left, I was having a heartattack and he was like 'No worries, darling. Dodgey alarms, like in Superdrug' I LOVE HIM. haha.

This guy, who used to go to Thornden, called Tom Young (who supposedly had a gay relationship with Sam O'Toole, hence why they were voted 2nd 'Cutest Couple' in the yearbook) haha, was cycling past my road on the way back from college the other day, which a packet of Marlboros in one hand, and a bottle of vodka in the other, trying to look all 'G'. There's been some building work in my road atm, which has been pissing me off, but he cycled into a little HOLE and dropped his vodka, which evidently smashed, and he started swearing his FACE off. Then he turned around and had a go at ME, for not telling him the hole was there. Gah. Chavs. What will they get up to next, ehh?

I can't really remember what else I was going to say..I'll try and remember by tomorrow :D

Happy February, readers (Y) x

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