Thursday 26 February 2009


I OFFICIALLY want to assassinate my history teacher.
Alison. pahh.
I thought Miss Laidler was bad (she was a pretty good teacher but SO sarcastic and SO monotonous). Alison is like evil-ness in a jar.

OK OK, so she has good days. but she seems to have something against Thornden people.
In most of my lessons, I am the only Thornden person there...actually, I AM the only Thornden person in any of my classes. (except ICT&Text Processing, they don't count)
and except History, theres SEVEN Thornden kids in our class. which is a record.
Basically, if you know me well enough, I would have ranted about Alison before, or threatened to STAB her. and seriously, NOONE makes me want to do that.
On the first day, all of the thornden people sat together, and Alison was like 'I'm not gna like you thorndeners. you are all stuck up coz you all got As/A*s at GCSE. but you will fail your a-levels if you have a cocky attitude' - - and this was BEFORE we had even said anything!
I'll just sum up what shes like.

1. Shes made three people in our class CRY.
2. When Meg dropped her pen she had a go at her for being disruptive/attention-seeking.
3. When me&Meg were about 30secs late from the break, she made us stay outside and had a rant at us. Meg cried.
4. She pulled my hair once. Which I swear it child abuse. Now Ed keeps taking the piss and pulling/ruffling my hair.
5. Shes very anti-everything, except Obama.
6. Shes very patronising, and made me stay after class so she could tell me that I need to SORT...MY...FOLDER...OUT (which she had already said to the class) She basically thinks im RETARDED.
7. She's sat me right at the front of the class, after saying that I 'looked like I might cause trouble'
8. She has favourites, i.e Ed, Michael, Adam, Karys, Libby. She has UN-favourites, i.e Me, James, Joel, Meg, Rachel, Holly (basically everyone else)
9. She came into my media lesson when we were watching 8 mile and complained about the language being offensive. (well, it WAS eminem rapping about 'muthaf_cking this, etc) and then she did the same again a few weeks later, when we were watching Havoc. Katy is now PETRIFIED of her.
10. When I have teachers, for ANYTHING, I need teachers that I can talk to if I have some problems, or if I'm struggling with something. I can't do that with Alison, coz she'll just refer me to the intranet or something. YAY. HELPFUL. or patronise me, and make me feel stupid. (she likes comparing the not-so-smart to the Ed-like people. For those who don't know him, Ed Hauschild is lovely, bt hes ANNOYING smart. Seriously, I can't believe some of the stuff he comees out with! ITS INSANE!!)
11. Um, I think thats all I can think of :)

basically, i want to drop History, because of her =/

Other than that, was a cool day :D ban on chocolate is proving difficult...matt s. offered me some swiss roll on the bus, and i was happy to have some until matt. b reminded me. then i felt sad :'(

going babysitting 2nite, might watch skins ^__^

thats all, folks! x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I might be stating the obvious, but have you spoken to your tutor?

Also, Ed can recite knowledge, but I'm not convinced he's actually super intelligent (I refer you to the Methodists vs Catholics argument - "What's a heretic?")