Sunday 15 March 2009


I've decided I need to make my blog less artificial.
I've read some of my mates blogs and they are all about EMOTIONS and SERIOUS ISSUES, and i rant about some top i got from river island that came out of the wash a different colour. gah. i need to sort my priorities out.
'my life would be perfect if i had the new prada bag'
gah. it was paris hilton that said that. she really annoys me, but im ADDICTED to her stupid finding-a-best-friend show. THIS IS THE SORT OF THING I WATCH!
not the news, or the AM show.
thats why i keep talking about preppy-ness and jack wills and stuff.
pfft. epiphany, and then some!


Anonymous said...

Since when was my blog about emotions?! I sincerely hope it isn't!


Matt said...

What Katie said.

IchiNiiSan said...

Blogs aren't for serious issues, they're for blurting out whatever you feel like saying!