Sunday 8 March 2009


My Mums ill, and shes never ill
but I'm worried about her, even though it's probably just a COLD or FLU or something.
I don't feel like writing today, even though it would be nice to distract me from my media essay.
Considering all my subjects are essay-based, its kinda lame.
Mark Watson tonight
Met someone called Will at the history workshop on friday, seems cool.
Glow party was fun, this guy kissed me which was weird.
Everyone was off their heads except me and Gemma, pretty much XD
ICT exam on friday,
Sociology results on thursday, REALLY don't want to look at them.
I don't have a good feeling about them, and I need cheering up not letting down again XD
Found out I'm missing the DRINKING SPREE in April, because I'm on holiday, (which is going to annoy Scott even MORE!)

Ma as-salaamah! x

(thats the ONE word I know in arabic!)

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