Thursday 19 March 2009

Snog, Marry or CLIFF?

A2 choices are miffing me. I was real stressed out today coz I had an careers op, an interview with my lead tutor, i needed to see head of english about my cw, and i was SUPPOSED to put my media cw onto a dvd. Basically running around college all day. Which isnt good when you're wearing 6" bright yellow shoes, trust me. (I kept stumbling at lunch. Andrew, Katy and Adam LOL'd. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU GUYS! haha)

AND i spent my free (when I WOULD have had a lecture) in ashurst. Doing my english cw. Because I only just realised that its due in 2mz. Ooopss.

For some reason, my blog doesnt like COLOUR anymore.
And the only colours it DOES like are black and green.
LAME. ruins my plans for a RAINBOW BLOG!

Haha. Collier keeps calling me 'Miss Rainbow'. Which is probably my FAVOURITE nickname in the world. :) because it doesnt refer to my height ^_^ or the fact i am NOT ACTUALLY BLOND ^_^ or the fact that i do media instead of BIOPHYSICMATHSOTHERBRAINSUBJECTSWHOA. (its a new course, for all the whizzkids)

Also Also Also,

on the bus home, me&james&emily played this game.

'Snog. Marry. Or Cliff'

Basically, someone names three people (of the opposite sex to the person whos playing) and they say if they would marry, snog or push that person of the cliff.

Its a fun game. Involving unintentional bitchyness.


I was going to list MY opinions. But that would be harsh (I'm going to say though, that I was pretty enthusiastic about marrying mr webster, pushing mr hinde off a cliff, and snogging dr sykes. ew.)

Its such a lame, yet SO SO SO funny game.

Try it :)

Everyone was happy today. Because of the sun. A rugby ball landed on frampys tummy. That was funny. He was sleeping. So then I felt bad for laughing. At least hes not pregnant (Y) waheyy :]

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